[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=cca78e]Giosue Zino[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3o6Zt2bcxvpiTQpZio/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 102->Room 202 [b]Skills: Ancient Greek[/b][/center][hr] Alicia's ravings, followed by her speech to the Paradoxes, while also a bit out of line and perhaps a bit too on-the-nose seemed to get through to them. However, he couldn't help but notice Alicia stick Evelina's pipe in her mouth and sneer as she left. That was so gross. The Dice had been around for so long, her mouth contained who knows how many different kinds of bacteria and pathogens that were harmless to her, but who knew what kind of illnesses anyone else could contract from it. To willingly stick that in one's mouth was thoughtlessness incarnate. But putting that aside, with Nancy's exit and the impending departure of Gilbert and Andromeda, he was to be in charge of the Camp, which was what he volunteered for. Alicia might be fine to send off alone, but there was no way he was going to allow her to govern the place alone. No, he had to maintain an eye on the place. If need be in the future The Hat would be an acceptable substitute, but it left a lot fewer options for maneuvering. That could be planned in detail later. Right now he had more pressing matters to attend to, namely setting up the Camp for tonight. It wasn't even a thought to him to not have the guests over tonight. Evelina's disappearance was a most concerning matter, but that didn't mean that ritual was to be cast aside or routine to be forgotten. To allow such things to slip would be a sign that the Camp was truly slipping into chaos and would be soon to perish. All the Emendators had their responsibilities, and this was his. He had his troubled thoughts and hypotheses brewing in his head, but keeping the place running as smoothly as possible was paramount. Issues of Evelina could be given more mind when the others returned. Party preparations were going to have to adjust with the fewer hands on deck, and he had to account for them now while he had the time. Being the last one to leave the room, Gio shut the door behind him and made his way to his room to work out the logistics of the celebrations tonight.