[hider=Tech Savvy] Full Name: Nicknames/Aliases: Age: (This is a high school, so the age range is generally supposed to be 13-18 unless you're writing a teacher!) Gender: Division: Powers: (Does your character have any superpowers? Supernatural abilities? None?) Description: (What do they look like? Even if you've got a picture, a bit of writing would be nice. Include their usual attire, any notable scarring or markings, etc.) Personality: (A brief outline of their demeanour.) Crush: (Do they have a crush? Are they with anyone?) Skills: (Practical abilities.) Weaknesses: (Achilles' Heels that can be exploited by enemies.) Brief History: (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine.) Other: [/hider]