[@Dartbored Fairy] The knight made it a whole four paces before stopping and disappointedly slumping their shoulders, having honestly expected there to be some kind of 'catch' behind the interaction with the girl. Ironically, the reality of a possibly innocent encounter shattered the expecting, story-telling mindset Ahnciel had been prepared for. Snuffing the fantasy and leaving it to dully smolder, they turned back around and sighed as they approached the girl once more. [color=8882be]"Two questions, if you vould not mind,"[/color] Ahnciel quickly began, hands on their hips as they stared down at the worms squirming through the cobblestone to avoid drowning underground, [color=8882be]"Vould you by chance be able to point me in zee direction ouf Agartha? Also...iz eit unrealistic to expect zee crows in zees parts to be different zehn ohzers?"[/color]