[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oP0vgV2.png?1[/img][/center] [hr][right][color=white][b]Gotham City Harbor[/b][/color] [color=gray]10:26 PM[/color][/right][hr] [indent]My name is Helena Bertinelli. Fourteen years ago a group of men broke into my home, assassinated my parents, and set everything I had ever known on fire. I was twelve years old. I swore on my father's grave that I would avenge him. Today, I start fulfilling that promise. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/H9gqPkA.png?6[/img][/center] The sound of my foot meeting a mob-bought goon's skull echoes on the rooftops of an old warehouse on Dixon and Barr. As his body lands with a thud I point my crossbow downward, probably looking like the most terrifying purple popsicle in the history of Gotham. [b]“You're not—”[/b] I stop him before he can even begin his conversation. [b][color=8C73B5]“Nope. I'm not.”[/color][/b] He's terrified, but he's also surprised. Can't say I blame him considering that up until now the supposed Caped Crusader – The Bat of Gotham – has had a monopoly on this kind of thing in Gotham. There isn't even a name for me yet and personally, I'd like to keep it that way. The best option of fulfilling my objective is to keep as many people guessing about who is responsible as I can. Visibility is my greatest weapon. [b][color=8C73B5]“He was out on business, so he asked me to fill in.”[/color][/b] I quip, a wide smirk on my lips as I pull the trigger. As he chokes on his own blood I move back into the shadows, scaling the nearest industrial crane as I look for the particular office in this shit operation where my target, Angelo Brancati, sits comfortably as he takes the reins of a human trafficking gig that Maroni trusts him to handle. It's kind of funny that even with the threats sent in by the Penguin and the increasing vigilance of a particular vigilante with pointy ears that Maroni trusts a coward to run such an important racket to his organization. But Salvatore Maroni trusting the wrong person is going to become a reoccurring theme once I'm done with him. Brancati's biggest mistake was thinking that turning traitor and conspiring with Maroni and whoever-the-hell-else was his way up the proverbial mobster ladder. It's kind of tough thinking this dude used to be seen as a loyal soldier of the Bertinelli method; how he used to say he believed in what my dad used to say. But here he is making deals with people who want to turn Gotham as a middleman to teenage sex trafficking. That's the kind of “Christmas spirit” that Brancati has. It makes it so very satisfying that he is who I get to start with. [/indent]