[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7HxketE.png[/img] [color=8dc73f][h2]Somewhere in Ashland[/h2][/color] ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soWWrZN6kiw]Music[/url]) [/center] Now, while having basically 'super speed' sounds pretty good on the surface. You'll rarely be late to jobs, you can make bullies question their life choices with your powers and well, just utility in general. But it takes year's for the body to get used to such ridiculous G-Forces, air pressures and well, any problem related to speeding through empty sandbox that is the Ashland hills. Usually, Revan wouldn't be boosting for so long, let alone in these speeds as stamina is not unlimited for him despite the claims he has made back at the facility. Yes, it may be enhanced a lot, it's well known that bodies cells tend to adapt to whatever powers the person has. Why else isn't he turned into crisp while absorbing large amounts of electricity? But even then, he [i]has[/i] his max capacity and there's only so much youth could do for him. However, if he stops here, then he might lose his opportunity. He's [b]NOT[/b] going to lose her because of his failure. Too many things are crippling him already, he'd rather not find out that shes kidnapped now in wastes. Yes, it may be pessimism speaking, but he [i]is[/i] a pessimistic type, just that he's the one who knows how to hide it. [color=8dc73f][i]'Stop overthinking, just focus on the goa-'[/i][/color] A loud shriek would come from the side, enough for him to get chills. Despite this, he keeps is current momentum, continuing to blast through the desert, calming noise of burning rocket fuel coming out of the exhausts in his soap shoes. [color=8dc73f][i]'Great, I'm hearing things again. Fun'[/i][/color] Anxiety creeping slowly into his spine, agent turns his head to the right, only seeing... What looked like a spear? If he had to make an assumption with a few glances, he'd describe it as throwing spear made out of pure metal. Of course being busy with hovering through these lands makes it hard to fully examine the object, but that didn't matter. There are two conclusions that he has made in his mind: 1) Hallucinations are getting [i]really[/i] bad or 2) He's under attack by scummy bandits. Both aren't fun thoughts. [color=8dc73f][i]'Then again, when has spear travelled that fast? Heat is probably messing with my brains man.'[/i][/color] The debate of him getting therapist was cut short by a big sight: his eyes would stare at large cliffs in the distance. [color=8dc73f][i]'Is this it?'[/i][/color] Revan squinted his eyes as he looked at the rocks, not much of note: Few patches of grass, dead tree, surprisingly decently build a house. Nothing too intere- [color=8dc73f][i]'THATS THE ONE!'[/i][/color] A wide smile would come to boy's face as he excitedly ramped up the mere 'coasting', teeth visible as he's unable to contain it. After two nasty, [i]painfully slow[/i] weeks, he can finally bring her back to her family after god knows what she might've tolerated. With sudden fire in his belly, he would happily howl as he stops dashing, instead of blasting himself to the air with rocket-skates. Mid-air, Revan spins in the air while holding one of his foot, his other free hand making horns excitedly. It felt addictive... Landing back to the ground with relative ease, he keeps hovering mode on as he skates backwards, his bright smile wiped out for a moment as he saw something that will probably give him [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENTZ6IJQCtw]nightmares next three nights[/url]. A strange guy who looked like some sort of pirate, desperately holding into a SURFBOARD SIZED CHUNK OF STAINLESS STEEL THAT'S FLYING AT HIS DIRECTION. Now, a sane person would take safe assumption that his life is in danger and that he should order an orbital nuclear strike on that psycho. And while it did sound appealing, he knew that escalating the situation would probably backfire. Even if he tried to strike first, he's too tired from covering soo much land in short amount of time and he'd probably miss the mark anyways. With him having slowed himself down, moving at much calmer pace backwards, boy awkwardly tries (keyword, tries) to put up a relaxed smile as he shouts. [color=8dc73f]"Hey! I see you're following me! Can I get your name dude?"[/color] [@Rabidporcupine][@EchoicChamber]