[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/00428d87-ced9-49d9-8455-978eb733e718.jpg] BELLEROPHON KING 15 years old Bellerophon is the son of two famous celebrities and he was homeschooled his entire life because of their fame, so Bellerophon never had much opportunities to be around kids his age. As he grew up he developed a love for anime and he has spent all of his allowance on the best merchandise and cosplay he could buy and he has a large collection of anime that takes up five rooms in his mansion. This would be fine with his parents, except Bellerophon's obsession is extreme and he had no friends growing up because he claimed "the only friends I need are anime characters". Worried for him, they decided that sending him to school to make friends would be the best choice. They chose AOA because they knew Bellerophon could excel in either the music or fashion course. He is a great singer and his parents think he could make a career out of it, but Bellerophon only cares about anime and sings only to anime songs. For fashion, Bellerophon loves cosplay and they think he would have a fun time making his own costumes. They struck a deal with Bellerophon that they would pay for any anime stuff he wanted if he took AOA seriously and gave him the choice of either the fashion or music course. Bellerophon was not exactly thrilled, but his parents knew how to bribe him, so he ultimately chose music because he thought it would be easier. His first year at AOA he made no effort to make friends and did the bare minimum to pass the music course. His parents gave him a break because it was his first year at school, but they threatened to take away all of his anime stuff if Bellerophon did not join an idol group during his sophomore year. Not wanting his precious anime to be taken away from him, Bellerophon has reluctantly resolved to join one of the groups....eventually... [/center]