[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed145b]Ellie Theriot[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/v8jk1q4fl/original.gif[/img][hr][color=ed145b][b]Location:[/b][/color] Xavier's Jet [/center][hr][hr] Ellie was slightly excited, but not for the reason anyone would have expected. Although she was looking forward to dealing out her own idea of justice on those running the Weapon X facility, she had never gotten the chance to fly in a plane before - much less a military grade jet. The prospect of flying was exciting and new. Her brothers had insisted that planes were propelled by Satan and because of that, she'd never gotten to go on one. She practically ran onto the plane, playing with the little courtesy buttons above her seat. She hit the flight attendant call button at least eight times before she shut it off, moving onto playing with the lights. [color=ed145b]"Charles, j'ai une question pour toi,"[/color] Ellie said, waiting for him. She then glanced at Miranda for a second. [color=ed145b]"Je voudrais aller avec Charles, s'il te plait,"[/color] she added in fluent French. She didn't really feel like speaking English at the moment and figured one of the boys could translate. [color=ed145b]"Pourquoi est-ce que tu as beaucoup d'argent?"[/color] she asked, turning the fan to blow on Charles' hair, creating a slight poof-y effect as she smirked at him.