[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181009/a760bd79adc8000cb655f7ea6eee3ae4.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xcPOUPP.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]School Auditorium [color=white]|[/color] Palm Beach, Florida[/b] September 28th, 2018[/color][hr][/right] [indent][color=709679]“Man, Florida is fucking crazy.”[/color] J.J. Reyes uttered underneath his breath. The spectacle that the school had put on had set the crowd of students off and J.J. was standing confused. He had never heard of a school deciding a dance was mandatory for graduation nor the idea of pairing people up by randomly deciding who was taking who. It was like the Twilight Zone, though J.J. was still waiting for the cryptic monologue. As the teacher who announced their little event ran off J.J. took a light breath, realizing that the one little thing that made this less stressful was that this was a situation that was exclusive to the class of 2019. So essentially he wouldn't have to put up with Maya whining about what “wack ass white boy” she was partnered with. At most she would be laughing at his misfortune of being forced to pick up someone for Homecoming whom he had never even talked to in his month or so at King's Academy. The name “Ms. King” didn't mean much to him particularly, so he was sure when Maya found out he wasn't going to hear the end of it. But he didn't care all that much like the rest of the students who had predisposed opinions of everyone in their class and had been making plans for weeks and weeks on end. He was still the new guy at the school and outside of Kirk and Trip he hadn't really talked all that much to anyone. He imagined it sucked for everyone else, though. It was a thought that made him realize that Kirk or Trip would know who his date was supposed to be and to see if he even had any classes with them. The best thing he could do is look through the crowd for Kirk or Trip and go from there. That is, if they weren't too busy being upset.[/indent]