The Tribunal made note of all accounts before hearing gunshots, rather loud ones at that. He picked up his gauss rifle and gave a nod to the others near him. [color=0072bc]"I recommend you cover the rear, I need to stay in the middle for support purposes, at the very least, none of you are in harms way... That, and if Vale pulled a muscle, from there she will not cause too much stress before I can properly do anything about it."[/color] With that, he made his way out of the room before going to attend to the perimeter checkies. Quickly, he began to scan them... There was no proper name for them; but these abominations were once human. He felt pity... Not really. Just saw them as victims of circumstances. Moving to the left most wall where he could see past Kaze and David, he shot the furthest one from where he was standing. The result was just a creamy mess on the wall. Probably nasty for the weak stomach, but he felt nothing in regards to it. Taking another shot... And another -- it was like he was on Auto Pilot from here. It was just another target. 6....7...8... all the way 13. They were just becoming creamy paste.