Neat. So here's the results. [@rush99999] Angus with his nat 20 can definitely hear the trogs outside trying to either set an ambush or get inside, however for whatever reason they seem to leave en masses suddenly during your watch. You're not entirely sure why, but you heard scraping of metal-against-wood, like someone unsheathing a sword. It's very brief however, and between the trogs scurrying about and the leftover rain water dripping against the stone it would be easy to miss. Being a warrior-like person, you can tell from the sound alone that this is a [i]big[/i] sword. Greatsword sized at least. And for the trogs to run instead of fight against someone like that, even when they outnumber him vastly as you know they do, must mean whatever this person or creature is, it's not one that can be defeated with numbers alone. However you can't be too certain if it left or not by the time your watch is over. It never made a sound coming nor leaving, and you haven't heard anything similar to the unsheathing since. [@Riaxh] Raugar doesn't notice anything that Angus doesn't inform him about. Nothing really goes on within the temple itself aside from the flames from the fire place wavering. You know it won't last to morning without more wood at least. The Wraith never shows up even if you try to look for them.