She had been sitting at the desk largely in silence for the duration of what transpired. She had opted against taking any of the snacks issued by her fellow roleplayers, instead choosing to take a nice sip of her mint tea. She was thankful that Craig had little to no words on her character, saving her the pain of having her concept riffed on by the rather witless sort. Screwing the lid back on to her thermos she took back her notes, catching the sight of the man's dusted prints upon several pages, and close it up before setting it aside. She made a mental note to print a new copy of her character notes when she returned home. Having known the pain of losing her work and having no copies backed up she was never remiss in saving backups of all her written efforts. While the rest were trading pleasantries or chatting she decided to squeeze some study into the night while their GM was off playing with the curtains while generic fantasy music hummed from the phone. Then came the tremor. She looked up, mildly confused. [i]This region isn't prone to earthquakes. What could be the source of that tremor?[/i] She puzzled out the source. The second wave hit and it felt like a full earthquake was in effect. She dove out of her chair just as a cabinet crashed down right where she was sitting, coming quite near to being flattened were it not for her impulse to move out of the way of all glass windows and panels such as the likes which previously secured the cabinet's contents. Sterling her reaction speed was not. She'd of warned everyone else but it seemed like there was more at work there than just earth-shaking tremors. The book itself seemed to possibly be floating though she couldn't be sure that it wasn't just launched up somehow as everything seemed to be moving too quickly for her to keep track of. The pages flipped unto a certain image before a power yellow light consumed the world, temporarily blinding her as the world melted away. It's magic took hold and she felt her body begin to change. She felt a strong sensation of nausea, as though the contents of her whole torso were ready to spill forth as her new form took hold. For a moment she could of sworn she passed out or something to that effect, losing time before suddenly waking up. _ There she was, well, 'She' being used loosely. Wanting to rub her eyes to adjust to the sudden change in lighting she felt something damp and soft touch her face at the exact time she had tried to lift her arms. Recoiling in surprise her eyes fluttered open just in time to see the world shifting a quick ninety degrees to the left as she spilled from her chair. A dark wooden roof filled her vision from the ground. Her whole body felt congested and she wanted to expel the bloat of fluid in her but was unable to. Everything felt unnatural, her physical feedback ringing completely different from just moments before. "What... Happened?" She asked aloud, wondering if any of the other players were in the vicinity to answer her. It was quite audibly clear to both her and everyone else that her voice was significantly higher than before and she was far from baritone to begin with. She attempted to sit up but that proved to be far more of a challenge than what was expected. As she hoisted herself up much became far clearer. The lack of legs was the tipping point for her. "Ah... AAAAAAAA-!!" Her scream of combined shock and horror rang loud and keened highly enough that it could be mistaken for a piping tea kettle were the listener not looking upon the source of the noise to begin with. She looked down, eyes wide with shock at the limp handless noodles occupying where hands once sat. Seeing the entirety of her lower torso congealed into a deep mint green colored mass of shuddering translucent goo was more than enough to temporarily steal her wits away, leaving her mind absent of coherent thought for that brief few seconds. Having run out of air for the moment she was forced to take a breath which gave her the needed time to collect her faculties. She quickly looked up to see nothing was the same anymore. The room she had once occupied was now an old wooden tavern. She was surrounded by strangers, each one looking stranger than the next. Looking between them all she had to admit the ghostly plate clad skeleton was perhaps the most egregious affront to her notion of reality. _ "What dark sorcery is this!?" She exclaimed, nothing making any sense any more. She made a visible effort to calm down, closing her eyes and breathing in deep. The fact that as she drew her breath her whole upper torso flexed like a fleshy strand of phlegm did not help this effort of hers in the slightest. Neither did the fact she didn't have a nose, forcing her to breath in through the mouth for that matter. "This... This must be some sort of acid trip. Clearly my mind has constructed a reality of it's own. If I... If I had to guess my body is probably still at Craigs house. Oh god..." The unsettling implications of her diagnosis of this situation of hers held no relief, only more concern. She couldn't come up with a reason as to how he managed to dose her due to the fact that she hadn't touched any of the food. He couldn't of drugged her through the snacks and her thermos was in her hold pretty much from the moment she sat down. As snacks ran across her train of thought she noted that the snacks, her thermos included, were still present and sitting upon this new table they were all just previously seated at. The disturbing thoughts of what Craig might of done to her or might be doing as of that moment were far too grim for her to bear. She decided to cease all speculation for now, ridding the terrible thoughts from her mind so she might instead confront the major obstacle before her: This surreal fantasy brought upon by the likely administration of psychotropic narcotics by a man who shouldn't even be trusted with penicillin. "Just focus. Concentrate solely on the sound of your own voice. You are the master of your own mind." She droned to herself, Eyes closed as she attempted to try and rise above the influence. It was of little use, the squeaky voice she now possessed made it impossible to not be thoroughly distracted just listening to herself. Getting half a mind to try and sip some tea to relax she reached for her thermos only to almost fall over as her whole form wobbled like a gelatin snack. Her attempt to lift the thermos was pathetic. Her tentacle slipped up and off the container as she lifted, her goo much too slippery to properly hold a smooth metal container such as it. Returning her new appendages to her side she held as still as she could and breathed in and out slowly, her face starting to contort into a sorrowful frown as the frustrations born of her current state of being soured into despair towards her inability to perform basic actions. Already her eyes were watering with loose droplets of green slime residue. The residue secreted from the rest of her body however was already started to eat away at the floor, the wooden boards sizzling with a prolonged hiss. [i]Just keep a hold of yourself. Try to think. Whatever you do don't lose your mind.[/i]