[hider=Dominique Astorio - Vampire][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmMyMDAxNy5SRzl0YVc1cGNYVmxJRUZ6ZEc5eWFXOCwuMA,,/soul-of-holitter-alternative.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][i]Character Theme[/i][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UreOvO2z4Y][color=FireBrick]Jaeger[/color][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e6/69/6c/e6696c9d51fe1f2cb24e62c8545a483c.jpg[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmMyMDAxNy5Ja2tuYkd3Z2RHVmhjaUI1YjNVZ2RHOGdjbWxpWW05dWN5RWkuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/soul-of-holitter-alternative.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][u]Full Name[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Dominique 'Dom' Astorio[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Ninety-nine[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Male[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Tall and lanky, Dom is 6'5" and weight 73 Kg. His build is lean, with broad shoulders and a soft, ovular face. His complexion is extremely fair - a sickly pale reminiscent of his kind. The water line of his eyes is a deep vermilion, as if sore and irritated. His skin, free of any kind of blemishes, holds a very porcelain aesthetic to it. His iris' are a washed down amber, dull and lifeless. His hair is short and spiky, often left disheveled and untamed. In his right ear he sports a single earring, with a matching nose ring in his left nostril. A tattoo of a three headed serpent coils around his right arm and along his shoulder blade, splitting off so that a head rests along each collar bone. The final head drapes around his neck, like a noose.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]To put it bluntly, Dominique Astorio is a bit of a wreck. Emotional, volatile and downright dangerous at times, the young Pureblood has an attitude problem that has drawn the ire of many. He tends to isolate himself through his actions, making those around him feel uneasy in his presence. His abusive relationship with his father has made him emotionally distant and has stifled his social skills. Being born into a noble family has made him very entitled and spoiled, abusing the fear of his father's influence on Lord Peiron to force lesser Vampires into entertaining his childish whims. With little regard for anyone but himself, Dominique doesn't seem to care if other's are put at risk during his thrill-seeking shenanigans. Dominique likes to run his mouth a lot - boasting about the strength of his house while soiling the names of the other Nobles. He's made his disdain for humans and Mage's clear enough, taking great joy in tormenting them. His antics usually reside within the boundaries of the treaty, barely. Though like most bullies, he doesn't know how to handle direct confrontation. Despite his usual aggressive disposition, Dom tends to completely shut down when called out on his nonsense. His words fumble, his temper raises and he throws a tantrum. While it can be confronting to deal with him, he becomes substantially less intimidating when you realise he is nothing but a whining brat looking for attention. Perhaps it's easier for him to be seen as a crazy monster than accept the fact that he's never had anyone truly care for him in his life.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Dominique Astorio was born into a life of luxury where he would never want for anything ever again. And he absolutely despised it. Growing up in the Astorio household under his father's strict watch, Dominique was expected to appease Lord Peiron in every one of his actions. More of a trophy to his father than a beloved family member, the young Pureblood was raised to embody the very spirit of the Astorio to bring pride to his Father's name. When he was younger, he was compliant to the his father's every desire. The young boy was praised often for his proper etiquette and appropriate mannerisms. Though as the years went on, the burden placed on Dominique would only grow. Eventually he began to slip and make the mistakes, which were harshly punished. The punishments became more frequent - once a month, twice a week and then numerous times a day. All for such petty reasons; using the wrong honorifics when addressing an elder or placing the wrong inflection upon a word. Dominique, living in constant fear of his father's wrath, was too afraid to even speak. He isolated himself from others, thinking he could please his father with utter compliance. There was no pleasing him. With all eternity ahead of him, it would seem Dominique's father was content to abuse him for what felt like sport at that point. So eventually, Dominique snapped. Nearly a century old, Dominique had had enough of being his father's plaything and revolted against his captor. His little tantrum nearly completely wrecked the manor his father owned. After that, Dom gained a reputation among his peers for being a loose cannon. Wild, unpredictable and dangerous. His rather beat him within an inch of his life, furious at how his own son had almost destroyed all the good favor he had built with Lord Peiron. He told Dom he could barely stand the sight of him; and that he would be sending him off to Noila Academy before the ungrateful brat forced him to do something he'd really regret. Despite his outburst, Dominique was still very much afraid of his father. Besides, being sent away was the best case scenario. Unfortunately, it seems Dominique's reputation has preceded him to Noila Academy.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Sexuality[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Bisexual.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Likes[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Comics | Hunting | Sight-seeing[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Humans, especially Mages | His father | Proper etiquette. He thinks it's a waste of time.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Habits[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]He develops a stutter when flustered or nervous. Sudden, loud noises tend to startle him.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Other[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]He wears a clawed gauntlet on his left hand.[/i][/indent][/indent][/hider] [hider=Minfilia von Reinhertz - Mage][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmZmZjE5NC5UV2x1Wm1sc2FXRWdkbTl1SUZKbGFXNW9aWEowZWcsLC4wAAAAAAAA/royal-serif.regular.png[/img] [color=silver][i]Character Theme[/i][/color] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6px3SHCcasM][color=LemonChiffon]Queen of Rose[/color][/url] [img]https://png2.kisspng.com/20180531/avc/kisspng-guilty-gear-xrd-millia-rage-character-ky-kiske-vid-5b1049b81fbc14.05526196152779410413.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LmZmZjE5NC5JazFoYTJVZ2JHbG5hSFFnYjJZZ1lTQnliM05sSUdGdVpDQjViM1VnYldGNUlHWnBibVFnZVc5MWNuTmxiR1lnY0hKcFkydGxaQzRpLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/royal-serif.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][u]Full Name[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Minfilia von Reinhertz[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Twenty[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Female[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Minfilia stands at 5'7", weighing 56 kg with a lithe, petite frame. Even by the standards of the immaculately perfect Vampires, Minfilia is what most would consider to be a conventional beauty. Her face is diamond shaped, possessing a fair complexion with a beauty mark beneath her right eye. Her iris' are a striking azure, paired with thick lashes that delicately brush against rosy cheeks with the slightest flutter. Minfilia's most tantalizing feature is her smooth, silky locks of golden hair. Even when braided and tied up to keep it neat, her hair will still reach down below her waist. Her hair possesses an unnatural shimmer to it, a byproduct of the peculiar way her Magic has manifested. Regardless, most find Minfilia's gorgeous locks to be aesthetically pleasing.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Element[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i][color=silver]Steel[/color] Minfilia uses her hair as a conduit for her Magic. When she awoke to her abilities as a child, her hair grew rapidly and became hard as steel. Since having her powers sealed away, she has been unable to directly tap into her aspect. Yet even while sealed away, Minfilia's magic has affected her physical being while growing up. Her hair grows much faster than normal and possesses an unnatural glimmer to it. Now, with her powers reawakened, Minfilia is able to grow her hair a few extra feet at will and manipulate it to a very limited extent - though doing so has proved to be very draining for her.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Minfilia is a young lady who understands the importance of her role in society as a Mage. She is stern and by the book, preferring not to deal in nonsense. If there is a job worth doing, it's worth doing well. She is often seen as a little too serious for her age - but her meticulous work ethic and obedience is a quality highly sought after by Vampires seeking a Mage partner. Yet make no mistake, Minfilia's actions are self serving. She understands that everyone, even Vampires, are resources to be exploited. To attain power and influence, she must play their game. Minfilia isn't above stepping over people to elevate herself, and she certainly has no issue swallowing her pride and playing the part of a subservient puppet. Years of wearing a different face in order to manipulate others had led her to be quite talented at it. Coupled with her general secrecy and dislike of discussing personal affairs, most don't know Minfilia enough to assume she has an ulterior motive. Minfilia has trouble opening up to people and trusting them. She does a good job of convincing others that she is perfectly fine on her own, but in truth she an often feel out of place and lonely. Anyone who she does let in is usually pushed away continuously when her anxiety begins to settle in. She's convinced herself that relationships are a luxury she simply can't afford.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Minfilia von Reinhertz is the daughter of a well-respected Mage who served his undead masters faithfully as Chief of a territory in Germany. Viktor von Reinhertz – a strict man who was steadfast in his approach to keeping the peace among humans. Even Vampires who came to know him could not help but respect his efficient and strong-willed methods. Minfilia, growing up in his shadow, has always strived to best represent the Reinhertz name as best she can. Minfilia awoke to her powers early, being born with a natural affinity towards magic. Even when her abilities were sealed, they continued to influence her as she grew up. Whilst this news made some Vampires uneasy, the unwavering loyalty of Viktor was more than enough to put their minds at ease. Growing up with his same ideals, Minfilia is nothing but courteous and polite to those who hold power. As her father often said - you won't always like them, but you must respect them. A mantra that has served her well over the years, Minfilia was chosen by Princess Ryner to attend Noila Academy on the good standing of her family name and the hopes that she would share the loyalty of her father. While she disapproves of the treatment of humans by Vampires, Minfilia is always careful to hold her tongue. It's in her best interest to keep her masters happy, so that she may be in a position to utilize them and elevate her status among Humans.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Sexual Orientation[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Heterosexual[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Likes[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Fashion | Music | History[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]Socialising | Loud people | Books with small font[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Habits[/u][/b] [indent][indent][i]She plays with her hair when thinking. Extremely meticulous, to the point of being obsessive compulsive.[/i][/indent][/indent] [u][b]Other[/b][/u] [indent][indent][i]Possess adequate hand to hand combat skills. Her hair care routine is both long and expensive.[/i][/indent][/indent][/hider]