[i]Time: 9:40 a.m.[/i] Dan's quick appearance, and subsequent disappearance was like a blur for Margo. He was in and out before she could even give him the same chipper greeting she gave Indy, her hand still in the air to wave at Dan by the time he left the center. [color=mediumseagreen]"Well that was brief."[/color] She sighed under her breath--was he dirty-looking? Did he actually go sleep on that trail last night? Once Indy joined her, Margo leaned on her elbows on the table expectantly, surprised at how stressed out he seemed to be about this battle. She didn't think her little taunt would really get to him, but apparently Indy was more concerned with his showdown than he had been letting on earlier. [color=mediumseagreen]"Sorry, I didn't think this would get to you like that."[/color] She spoke her apology quickly, not wanting him to take advantage of her forgiving nature and then say something stupid to make her revoke it. Instead, Indy posed a question she wasn't entirely sure wasn't a joke. If it wasn't for the look in his eyes, Margaret would've told him to shut up and rolled her eyes. She thought about his question seriously, looking down at the table to focus her thoughts. [color=mediumseagreen]"I mean... I guess you did something hurtful to me, and while it hasn't been entirely fixed, it seems we've moved past it, right?"[/color] She kept her gaze on the table in front of her, wondering if he was still worried about their own rocky start to a maybe-friendship. She remembered the other night when Dan had made her think of her own family. Could she make it better for her family? Would she ever return and tell them why she ran away? Would she ever apologize for what she did to them? They've probably been printing missing signs and talking to the police force and all the typical run-away children protocol. She chewed her bottom lip, mulling over his question more seriously now when she applied it to herself. [color=mediumseagreen]"Well, sure, Indy, why wouldn't you be able to make it better? It might take a lot of effort and a lot more actions than you might be willing to take, but... I think you can move past most things that hurt people. I think you have to, like, acknowledge that you hurt the other person. Let yourself be vulnerable instead of selfish, express to them that you made the mistake and ask... how you can make it better instead of assuming you can do what they want, maybe?"[/color] She felt like she was rambling now, forcing herself to stop talking and look at her companion, focusing on why he was asking her this instead of letting her own troubled mind catch up to her. [color=mediumseagreen]"Are you alright? How rough of a night was it?"[/color] Margo didn't really expect him to be honest to her second question, but she was hoping he would be truthful with the first. Obviously he was being vague for a reason, but he didn't have to lie about how he was feeling, even if they weren't best friends. She worried she would have to go find Dan and ask him to check on his friend--although both of them seemed a bit... off.