[i]’[color=lightblue] Humans are such a disgusting race, like snakes they slither to and fro spewing venom in the form of lies, like rats they scurry around stealing scraps and not able to see the bigger picture. Like spiders they spin webs of lies that span decades... I guess that's why I see so much potential in them.[/color]’[/i] [right]-Musings of Iarus[/right] [center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=silver][b]TIME:[/b] [i] Months Prior[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i] The Rift[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [i]Dirka - [@Dealdric][/i][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/center] The sudden appearance of the Mad Musician gave what Iarus might call a fright. An ability that he had actually picked up from her a coy tine escaped from the gold slit that was his face, the strange invention she plucked caught him off guard for a moment but he quickly recentered himself, [color=lightblue]”Ah..yes, I am in need of an elders eye. My beloved Sagu,”[/color] Conjuring the creature who's body was that of a slithering snake from the jungles and who's upper body, minus the head was that of a human. The snake headed creature opened it's hooded neck and lowered itself in a manner that was befitting a bow saying not a word but showing utter respect for the being he was presented to, [color=lightblue]”He is magnificent isn't he? He and his kind are going to make the perfect predators; devious, cunning and charismatic. But I feel that they missing something and as a token to all you have taught, I wished to ask your permission to make them especially skilled at magic. It would be an homage to my mad teacher…[/color]