Though the suggestion that Brendon made about Ryan maybe listening to his input every once in a while was a joke (Brendon could hardly imagine being angry with Ryan ever again at that moment), it was more than just a breath of truth- Ryan had always, no matter what, deflected any and all of Brendon’s suggestions, for the band or otherwise- and if, on the off chance, he ever secretly agreed with Brendon’s viewpoint, he’d speak over him, propose the point himself, take all the credit. The man was ridiculous, frankly, and any other time just thinking about how petty and critical Ryan could be would set Brendon off- but it was difficult to feel any emotion but some kind of unusual but not unwelcome affection towards Ryan in their current situation, tangled up together in a hotel room in Seattle, bodies pressed close, lips ghosting against skin, and everything was warm, and gentle, and unfamiliar, and Brendon just kissed him (barely) to banish his train of thought before it got too sappy. [i]Yeah.[/i] Brendon inclined his head slightly to meet Ryan’s eyes, silent. [i]You’re right.[/i] He broke into an amused smile just as Ryan leaned in to kiss him properly, and he only just managed to control his smile in order to return the slow kiss before Ryan was up and off him, arms outstretched towards the phone. Brendon felt a little cold and lonely when Ryan moved away, ever the dramatic, and he tugged the sheets up his body where they were wrapped around him as much as he could now that the warmth from Ryan’s skin was no longer beneficial. He turned his head to stare at Ryan, intending it to be defiant, or sulky, or pleading, or anything in between, but he quickly found there was a benefit to his bandmate lying beside him a little ways away- [i]bandmate,[/i] shit, he hadn’t really thought about how the band would respond to this, but no, shut up, that’s irrelevant, [i]look[/i] at him. And Brendon did, catching his bottom lip firmly between his teeth for a few moments and letting out an involuntarily sigh of enjoyment before the corner of his mouth turned up into a geniune, dumb smile, provoked by Ryan when he nudged against his temple, acknowledging Brendon’s lack of subtlety. For a few moments, his mind was wandering as he thought about how they still had the entire morning to just lie around in bed together, but Ryan’s next words snapped him out of his fanciful, domestic daydream, into reality. Brendon knew that Ryan was probably kidding around, but still, he had to make sure that he knew that just because they’d slept together or whatever, it didn’t mean he was automatically and permenantly in his good books. It’d take a little more. And Ryan was smiling, and Brendon tried to be irked by it, but he just couldn’t be, his smile was contagious and Brendon resisted moving over to meet him in a kiss again. It seemed that Ryan got the message, but he still eyed him carefully, posed to shoot down any far-fetched fantasies of suddenly being Brendon’s favourite person in the entire world. Then, Ryan was laughing, and Brendon felt like a pitifully lovesick teenager as his insides heated up and his heart began to melt. His laugh was just as contagious, and Brendon cracked a wide smile despite every attempt at stopping it. [i]Hey, That was my cover.[/i] Brendon shifted to get comfortable and tilted his head to listen as Ryan curled an arm around his waist and pulled them both closer together. [i]Really I[/i] appreciate [i]your ass that won’t fit into normal jeans.[/i] Wow, predictable- but Brendon was disappointed at his lack of foresight. He’d noticed nearly every slip-up Ryan made, especially when he caught Ryan checking him out, but he’d never noticed that kind of attention before. Brendon closed his eyes briefly, considering, then opened his eyes and raised a single eyebrow. [b]”You know what, that’s understandable,”[/b] Came his response, finally, as his smile broadened to try and coax Ryan’s fading grin back to the surface. [b]”Thank my mom, I guess.”[/b] Brendon gazed up at Ryan like some kind of awe-inspired and adoring puppy, eyes drifting from feature to feature, his mind drifting somewhat as he wondered what the hell people would think of this if they ever found out- key word ‘if’, and the most likely outcome would be that they never did. Keltie- Keltie would flip, accuse Brendon (rightly, Brendon thought, amused) of turning Ryan gay or something- Jon wouldn’t care much, Spencer would disapprove due to the change of the internal structure of the band. It was unstable enough as is. Brendon wondered what Ryan was thinking about absently, and lifted his arms to hook one around the back of his neck and the other loosely over Ryan’s waist to hold him closer, propping himself up slightly against the cushions. Ryan, in turn, lifted himself onto an elbow and they were back where they started, Ryan hovering over Brendon’s form and Brendon clinging on to him somewhat hungrily, like he was being fed a meal but the person who gave it to him was constantly threatening to take it away and not give it back. They were on borrowed time. Realistically, what could come of this? Brendon made himself a little exasperated thinking about it, so he switched his brain off and let the slight feeling of Ryan tracing tenderly over his skin flood his senses. Ryan smelled good, he decided, of something typical like vanilla, and the beach. [i]Okay, then, tell me, how can I make it up to you.[/i] Brendon said nothing for a moment, just let his head tilt to the side, as if considering. That was a dangerous statement to make- If Ryan was as open to making it up to Brendon as he seemed, he fully intended to make the most of that, push him as far as he could, see if he could wrap his guitarist around his little finger like he always fantasised about doing. A pause, and Brendon let the arm be had angled around the back of Ryan’s neck fall and then move into his hair, tangling locks around his fingers and using the leverage to pull him in for a punctual kiss, mostly to give him more time to think about what it was that he wanted. Thoughtful, he sunk his teeth as gently as possible into Ryan’s bottom lip, more a nibble than anything, and trailed off to the side before letting his head fall back into the cushions, muscles going slack and arms dropping down by his sides. [b]”That’s a tricky one,”[/b] He murmured, finally, tilting his head and staring at the ceiling, wincing as the bright light from through the blinds hit his face directly. Lifting an arm to cover his eyes, he gestured with the other towards the window. [b]”First of all, close the blinds? I’ll think better without a headache.”[/b]