[hider=Pink Ranger][b]Name:[/b] Olivia Salome Belmont [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Ranger Designation:[/b] [color=pink][b]Pink[/b][/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] Olivia wears her mixed heritage as well as she can, with olive skin and medium-length brown hair that match with the sharp features of her jawline which otherwise betrays the softer, more gentler facial features that so often had her pegged as something of an easy target. Her eyes are a muted hazel and if asked she thinks her nose is a bit on the small side though not enough to consider it a glaring flaw with her own confidence and appearance. While not typically into the more pastel colors, Olivia does almost always wear a jacket with dark pink lining - a memento of sorts that stands out compared to her normal day-to-day of black jeans, heeled boots, and shirts obviously purchased from a thrift store. [url=https://i.imgur.com/e2EJuPk.jpg]For Reference[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Once upon a time Olivia dreamed of following in her father's footsteps and joining the police force - and that's probably where her sense of justice and keen instincts came from, and why they'd skewed over the years. It wouldn't be out of line to say that Olivia is almost unflinchingly dedicated to her own morals and that, combined with her own personal code of honor, has led to a few scraps - most recently causing her to lose a job because of a hunch that her boss was harassing an employee to which she responded by dumping a hot pot of coffee on his head and breaking a finger on the hand that did the groping. It could be seen as maternal, in a way, her sticking up for someone who didn't have the gumption to ask for it. Olivia maintains a firm belief in acting over waiting, which is to say if she sees or hears about someone she knows or is around being mistreated or abused - often within or without the bounds of the law - she'll do what she can to make sure it gets sorted and reported to the authorities...assuming she doesn't just try and handle things herself. She knows she isn't the law or even the judge or jury but she likes to think she does more for 'the little guy' than people who just wear bracelets and start a conversation. And one day she'll be the law, and she'll do a damn good job if she said so herself. [b]Background:[/b] Olivia was forced to grow up faster than most children but she doesn't see that as a bad thing exactly. She grew up in a single parent household being raised by her [i]papi[/i] in a modest one bedroom; more often than not she was given the bedroom while her dad slept on the couch but she would always make sure he had a blanket when he fell asleep watching late night television. Her father was a beat cop who often regaled a young Olivia with stories about life as a cop and it wasn't until she was older and wiser that she learned that eighty percent of the stories were just plot summaries of old cop shows. But she loved that about her dad, the way he told stories. When Olivia was eight, her father was shot in the line and passed away shortly thereafter. At the funeral she lost count of how many people put their hands on her shoulder and told her what a brave and good man her father was. It was nice, but the words still rang a little hollow for the girl. Olivia became a child of foster care but it took three years for her to come out of her shell and by the time she did she begged her foster parents to let her take up martial arts - she settled on savate. Olivia never finished high school. She got expelled for getting into fights - she had a bad habit of fighting bullies which only served to make her an even bigger bully in the eyes of the school board. She was forced to get her GED once she realized she needed one to even attend the police academy. When Olviia took the exam she failed despite her physical aptitude exceeding expectations; the psych evaluation was what sunk her as it was believed she was one who would be reckless if it meant getting an arrest and that wasn't what the Angel Grove Police Department needed. With her dream dashed for the moment, Olivia took to odd jobs. Waitress. A secretary for a hot second. She got turned down for a security guard job and presently works at an auto shop. It's not glamorous but it allows her to keep a roof over her head. [b]Other:[/b] Speaks Spanish and French.[/hider]