[@Duthguy][@Wildman13][@demonspade64][@ReusableSword][@Kheliop][@Crusader Lord][@Guy0fV4lor] The goblin watched as two of the strongest at least in his opinion attacked and killed the ogre. It cried out in pain as blood started to gush out and cover both of the attacking gonlins before it fell on it's back hard as if causing a mini earthquake from it's sheer size! It then like there dead as all the gonlins involved got great experience and a new base of operations to work from. All goblins involved get 70xp and the skill [b][i]stoneskin[/i][/b]: stone skin is an active ability that can be triggered to increase defense dramatically making ones very skin harder to cut or penetrate. Can be upgraded to steel skin for increased protection. Once the ogre finally fell the captured goblin limped over and grabbed a rock and started to bash it's face with it. [color=f7941d]"for Nico, Angela, Robin, Kris, cassy, and Jane![/color] he said bashing the stone in with each name. No doubt those were the names of the gonlins skulls around the ogres neck. He just felt so relieved that their sacrifice wasn't in vain.