They went in and… she almost found it disappointing. Or maybe more disconcerting. The emptiness of the hallways. The immediate quiet. After all the tense worrying, it seemed… anticlimactic. Welcome relief, but still odd. When they made it up to the roof without incident, following the buildings simple layout, 02 found herself glad that there were no more stairs. It was monotonous to climb so many all at once, and glad to finally be outside again. The expectations of enemies jumping out of the shadows at any moment, rushing from behind closed doors, or waiting for them on the next floor left her feeling wrung out when she realized there really was no one else there with them. Though the ships were still around, they seemed to be focused more on the ground around the crashsite than on the tops of buildings. That was her first priority, but it looked like if they didn’t make too much fuss up here, they shouldn’t be noticed too quickly. Good. So, next, they should look for-ah! Was that? It seemed they’d found the scout. The poor, haphazardly constructed thing looked rather sad hanging there. Was this misfortune caused by their crash? Or had the robot gotten itself tangled trying to do… something else? “Careful. Wires might be important.” Or dangerous. Though how they might know what this tangle did, she wasn’t sure, but given as there were still lights on in the buildings around them, she had the feeling that these ones would still be doing whatever job they were meant for as well. She helped by holding the robot up, loosening the tangle for 01, though she wasn’t really paying attention to the task, her eyes constantly wandering away from what their hands were doing and back up to the view. Following the big dome to the hole in the sky they’d made. Wondering about the spire looking so domineering. It really was a good view from here. She would try to make use of the moment once they’d freed this little guy. “No idea.” All the robots she’d seen so far looked somewhat worn out or lackadaisically put together, given the materials used. Of course, she could not say that this wasn’t usual, though she felt it might not have been the general situation before the robots had to start fixing themselves. It made sense though, if no one wanted to help them, that they’d have fewer options. Still, it did mean that she wasn’t sure what might indicate damage on these things. Maybe a big dent? “How do you… wake robots?”