[@Hokum] After successfully warping back into the cell block, he immediately feels something hard strike his upper back area. Fortunately, his armor absorbs most of the impact, only causing him to stagger forward. He draws his rifle and aims at the source at a blinding speed, only to find Sahmi pointing her own firearm at him anda screaming in a fit of anger. He prepares to disarm Sahmi, but a figure charging at them in the background catches his attention. He moves his rifle to the direction of the entity before firing a 3 round-burst of plasma fire. Each streak of glowing blue energy lands on the torso of the entity, which small singed craters and cause it to stagger backwards slightly. Sahmi Tenn takes notice of the figure herself, before aiming her own weapon and firing a pulse of green light at it, sending it flying and leaving a huge hole in its torso. Upon closer inspection, the entity seems to be an android of some kind, it also appears to be based on human appearance and wields a small cannon on its wrist and a drill on its other hand. Meta then switches to his helmet comms and contacts Niner, sending him a command. [b]Meta:[/b] Send some Instigators to my location, EMP loadout. Still keeping his aim on the android, he sees it regenerating from the recent attack and fires another burst of plasma aimed straight at its head. This only serves as a distraction, as he pulls out an EMP grenade and adjusts its destination settings while Sahmi fires another shot into the android. Once the android is on the ground again, he lobs the grenade, landing it right beside the android. It then detonates, releasing a storm of electromagnetic energy that should disable, or at the very least, stun the android.