Kurata, an ancient world filled with magic and mystery. For time immemorial it’s inhabitants have studied the wonderful power it grants to them. While it has gone by many names across many millenia, today it is known universally as mana. Along the surface of the world lie volcano shaped structures which constantly leak the power into the atmosphere, where it then seeps into the bodies of any living creature. Those creatures clever enough to do so learned to harness this mana to cast reality altering spells, power constructs, and even create new life or raise the dead. It’s influence reaches everywhere from the highest ice swept mountain to the deepest monster crawling cavern, and whether people choose to embrace it or not it is a constant in the lives of every being. The current era of man is recovering from dark ages proceeding a great world spanning war between the races of man, elf, and dwarf. While the war has passed and most of its veterans long perished, the scars left by the fiery battles remain. Ruins of ancient civilizations dot the landscape waiting to be plundered by those daring enough. Underground dwarven cities full of magic constructs still carry the will of their war slayn masters. The once beautiful gilded towers the elves built to their gods are now but rubble and secrets, Human cities, once hubs of trade and industry and wealth, now ash and ruined castles which entomb ancient dead lords. But yet the world pursues, each of the races are rebuilding their influence over the world slowly with the mutual understanding between them that another war would spell extinction them all. Diplomacy and negotiations are frequent between faction leaders of these races. You live in this world, on the island continent called Atria, and the path you take may shape the future for the better or worse. Are you a knight who defends their kingdom with nothing but a sword and moxy? Are you a wizard who seeks to expand their knowledge and power? Are you a terrible monster that acts only for their own gain? You decide. This roleplay is intended to be a very open reign setting in which the players can shape the story. Mostly anything goes as far as character creation, but should be discussed with me just so I can have say on what can canonically exist within the setting.