[@EchoicChamber][@CommisarJhon] By the time Nick caught up to the blur, who had thankfully slowed down enough to let it happen, he was gasping like a man who'd nearly drowned. After a few moments of trying to catch his breath, he managed to pry his fingers off the edge of the sword and coast alongside the boy, rolling over to lie on his back. "Hhhiaargh." He tried to say, only to discover another of the downsides to trying to talk to someone at incredibly high speeds, really [i]really[/i] bad dry mouth. He decided to keep his mouth shut for a few seconds, letting whatever made saliva try to reawaken themselves from the dead, before eventually trying again. "Hi... Names Nick... Friendly... Help out... Going where? Sorry, throat hurts... More talk later..." He wasn't sure that explained what he was thinking all too well, but talking at that point kind of felt like coughing up ground glass, so it was going to have to do. As they got closer to the cliff house, he saw a figure waiting for them, and decided to roll back onto his stomach to see them better. After a few minutes, he was able to make out a few of the woman's features, and his stomach did a weird flip-flop thing as he realised that he was [i]pretty sure[/i] he recognized her from somewhere. Unfortunately, he couldn't quite remember if the circumstances of their meeting had been friendly or... [i]less so...[/i] Which is why he decided to take the safe bet and wave to her, which many would probably call the exact [i]opposite[/i] of the safe option, but he preferred to make friends over enemies. "Haar-... H-... Hiiii..." He finally managed to force out. "'ve we met b'fore?"