[@DJAtomika] In all honesty, Jeremy wasn't entirely sure why he was still following David down the path. The mist was just getting worse, and he was beginning to feel tears welling up behind his eyes. Still, what else was he gonna do?! The new girl had up and vanished on them, and considering her apparent inability to realize this wasn't some high-budget prank, was probably off getting eaten by a demigorgon, because god damn it [i]of course[/i] someone had to make the comparison! He was surprised none of the others had already made it! And yet he still followed, because apparently he was just a bloody masochist. Also because he was scared to walk back through the mist by himself. And then he froze, almost thinking he heard [i]voices[/i] for a second, but quickly dismissed the thought. Not because it was crazy, but because if it was real, he'd probably immediately go insane from terror. He managed to calm himself down for a second, before hearing something that sounded [i]distinctly[/i] like 'bones to the lake', and barely managed to stifle a shriek with his hand. Thankfully though, he did, and he decided it was about time to put some of those breathing exercises his old sensei had taught him to calm himself down. After a few moments of this, he finally let out a deep sigh, visibly relaxing, and opened his eyes. Only to see antlers rising from the bushes to their left, accompanied by the glints of reflective eyes and blades. Freezing in place, it was all he could do to flail his arm around to the side, before finally making contact with David's shoulder and rapidly slap it lightly, hoping he was actually succeeding in drawing the photographers attention as he stared at... Well, he supposed he was probably staring at their deaths.