Okay so, just a few things with the character sheets that need to be clarified and should be corrected, it will be enforced with future sheets as well. Firstly, because a banner will be made of the completed characters, please have an anime-styled image for your character. Second, when it comes to the [Crest/Digivice Color], there seems to be some confusion. That spot should only have [u]one[/u] color, we are going off of the first season in which the digivices defaulted to [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/b/bb/Digivice_%28Adventure%29_t.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20111230152230]a shade of blue[/url] and then turned [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/3/31/Digivice_%28Adventure%29_%28Tai%29_t.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/150?cb=20111230013552]into the crests' color[/url] when Ultimate digivolution is achieved. So pick [u]one[/u] color please. Third, and this is admittedly for my own purposes, please have your characters' CS color be the same/at least similar/another shade of your crest color. Just as an example, if I choose [color=red]Red[/color] for my crest color, then my CS should reflect that and either have Red or alternatively [color=crimson]Crimson[/color], [color=firebrick]Brick[/color], etc., etc. I'm also asking for no overlap for colors between characters. If you wanna duke it out for a color or want a GM to choose between you, that's fine, but we'll also step in if everyone's a different shade of blue cause what the hell guys there's a million colors don't all pick blue. If there are any questions or concerns, please let us know. This post [i]does[/i] apply to all previous applicants so let us know when you've corrected your sheets. Thank you in advance.