[center] [h3][color=CD7F32]A Rocky Road [/color] [/h3] A collab between [@solokolos], [@PlatinumSkink], and guided by [@Old Amsterdam] [/center] [hr] [hider]The Rocker base was like a kicked beehive, the few goons left scrambling like chickens without heads. Several were on the phone with the main force in Boulder, but no one seemed to know how to handle the bosses being captured and the other two Parahumans being missing. They feared the worst, and no one around was capable or willing to take charge. And then Visage walked in, taking up residence in Shatterpoint's office, and a quiet, nervous energy spread through the base. Was she staking claim to lead? Several of the longest running goons entered the office after nearly ten minutes of muttered conversation. “What's the plan? We got no boss or Shatterpoint now. We don't know what to do.” Visage slowly removed the headphones, glancing up at the man. The node she had set for him about a week back came to the forefront of her mind. She actually remembered his name as well. When she spoke now she sounded confident and level headed, [b]”Don’t worry Joaquin, this’ll just be a change in leadership. I’d actually like to see what Creep says when they get back, find out how much a threat the other gangs are gonna be during this transition period, then go from there.”[/b] Meanwhile, Creep entered the building. She was invisible, redirecting light around her to remove her from line-of-sight, first entering in order to ascertain the situation so she didn’t involve herself scene she wanted no part of. And… they were in disarray. Talking among themselves and on their phones, looking unfocused. Hm. That probably meant Visage had not come back. No time to waste, then. She needed to do something before the Rockers came to a decision of their own. Creep looked for something to jump up on to gain height. She found a table, carefully taking a couple of steps up to gain height, to look out over the rest. An innate nervousness built inside her as she turned towards the unknowing crowd. [sub][color=97d5e6][i]C’mon, Sheila. You can do this.[/i][/color][/sub] She viewed herself through her power. … She didn’t look like leader-material. Except, she could change that, could she not? The hood looked like she was hiding. A leader wouldn’t hide. She threw back her hood, revealing long hair which she was colouring brown. She manifested the illusion of wearing a tattered, battle-worn cape from the texture of her dark clothing. She decided she could use a majestic aura, and added a certain slight aura of darkness seeping from her, subtly brightening her on a darker surrounding. That… that would do. She took a deep breath. [color=7a5e6a]‘Alright. Rockers, listen up!’[/color] she said, raising her voice out loud to make them look in her direction. At first, there’d be nothing. Then darkness coelessed over a short second, after which Creep threw out her hand and the darkness scattered from her form, fading away into nothingness before leaving her one-meter range. There stood Creep, in dark clothes, blindfold and mask over her mouth, voice changer in her mask making her voice somewhat more creepy and hoarse than her real one. After having waved her hand and had the darkness burst away from her she had her illusion-created cape flutter a bit as if there was wind from the burst. After that, Creep stood straight. She was exceedingly nervous, but she couldn’t afford to let it show. She raised her chin and started speaking. [color=7a5e6a]‘I am Creep! I’m a Rocker like you! I’ve been your stealth-ops for longer than you might realize, for before this I answered only to Shatterpoint. I was his hidden subordinate, scouting for him and relaying information without our foes ever knowing. However, I received a sudden promotion when I was sent to represent the Rockers at the Denver villain’s meeting that occurred today, and now… Now it would appear I’m needed outside the shadows.’[/color] Saying so, she now looked around at the sparse gathering of Rockers. [color=7a5e6a]‘Are there more of our members in the building or close to it? If so, call them here. We have matters to discuss.’[/color] She stopped there for now… assuming she had not been interrupted during her speech already. Visage had just finished speaking when she heard a feminine voice speaking up with. . . Was that bravado. Something had changed in Creep it seemed. She stood up, not giving the command for Joaquin to follow, but expecting it nonetheless. Stepping around the corner graceful, she locked eyes with Creep. Immediately after looking at her, her power registered eyes. Still though, Visage couldn’t see any eyes. A bit of a puzzle. Visage changed her appearance with no dissonance, making her mask appear on her face. From Creep’s perspective the mask would have always been there, and any surprise from seeing Visage’s face would be forgotten. Speaking for the gathering crowd now, she walked forward slowly towards Creep. [b]”Is there a temporary truce with the other gangs, Creep, darling?”[/b] Visage’s voice didn’t quite betray the thoughts racing through her head. Creep might be trying to grab power here, but that wouldn’t be a giant deal-Would it? Creep wasn’t confident, she probably hadn’t taken any speech classes in college even. Wait was she college age? Regardless, this should go smoothly as long as Visage could keep Creep on the backfoot. The Rockers present had started at Creep’s appearance, several raising weapons before looking at each other in confusion. Before they could open their mouths Visage entered, and one stubborn man finally spoke up. “We don't know no Creep, lady. I ain't followin’ someone I don't know an’ never seen before.” Several others, the majority really, nodded in agreement while others seemed very indecisive. Creep was taken aback by the man’s announcement, mind somewhat blanked out. She hadn’t even made her appeal yet, and they were denouncing her that quickly? That… felt like some sick joke or something. Regardless. Visage appeared, with a couple people in tow, though given how much the rest had been in disarray it didn’t [i]seem[/i] like she had taken command yet. Visage’s question made it easier for Creep to get her thoughts running again. “Darling”, huh. [color=7a5e6a]‘Visage, please confirm to the men that I’m not lying when I say I was a hidden subordinate of Shatterpoint until his capture,’[/color] Creep said. Now, Visage didn’t have that much experience with Creep… but she did know THAT much, at least. Onto actually answering the question, for Visage and the rest of the men. [color=7a5e6a]‘Yes, there’s a temporary truce. The gangs of Denver, the Rockers, the Jacks, Purge, Reflection, Lethal Force, independents like Sabotage, Retcon and the Broker will cooperate to pick the Community apart. Xolotl saw fit to attack the meeting, but he was swiftly dealt with by a device stolen from Epsilon of the Wards. We can consider him eliminated, assuming the Jacks knows how to handle him. We have been given a phone number by the villain known as the Broker, who has picked himself to manage this cooperation outside of meetings. As the only representative of the Rockers at the meeting, I agreed to the Rockers’ participation.’[/color] So she said, standing and staring down at them, tense. “Tha's all fine an’ dandy, but tha’ not helpin’ us. We need a boss.” Visage smiled broadly under her ‘mask.’ So they had some time where their territory wouldn’t be taken. Still, the situation with Creep would have to be resolved soon, otherwise there might be a small kerfuffle. [b]”First of all, yes Creep is a subordinate of Shatterpoint. Second of all, I have an idea that will leave everyone here happy. I’ll step up as leader. I don’t have to say what I’ve done for the Rockers, many of you were there alongside me after all. But I can’t lead without lieutenants. I think Joaquin and Creep are perfect for the job, and I will discuss my decisions with the two of them before acting on them.”[/b] Visage looked at the crowd as she spoke, but watched Creep out of the corner of her eye. Would this satisfy the young girl, or would she protest? Would she dare to? Honestly Visage didn’t even have to give Creep this much power, but losing her was a much [i]much[/i] worse option. Creep crossed her arms as Visage spoke up about being the leader, standing staring at her, silent. Well, Creep thought. This was absolutely terrible. She couldn’t handle the deal she made with the Broker if she wasn’t the leader, for if the two of them spoke then Visage would learn of the vials. Creep had no intention of letting actual villains get ahold of the vials, and given what she had promised the Broker that would be a betrayal she’d never be forgiven for by either side. There was a small surge of panic within her. She had a weapon she could use, but there was a significant chance it’d be interpreted as slander and a hungry grab for power. She hesitated greatly to actually make use of it… One of the members in the back spoke up then, interrupting and making themselves loud. “Creep has been here longer. I was here when that freak attacked the base with the dumb Minute Men, and after that we started getting the rumors about Creep. He's helped us out the whole time, and met with the boss a bunch. That should mean something.” There was muttered agreement to the statement, more goons looking confused between the two Parahumans. … Huh, Creep thought. There… there was actually a pocket of support for her? Well… it was sink or swim, wasn’t it? Suppose she had a weapon. She just had to draw it and see how it fared. She was going to act like the one who had spoken up for her hadn’t said anything, but he had given her a small dose of courage, enough to allow herself to push over the edge and get her mouth to open and tongue to move. [color=7a5e6a]‘I don’t know about that, Visage. Let me recount a series of events,’[/color] Creep said, her arms crossed. Now, open for potential interruptions, but she continued. [color=7a5e6a]‘Shatterpoint calls us, Creep and Visage, to his office. Because Ceramix and him are going to be busy elsewhere, attacking the charity event that was taking the place at the same time, we were told to represent the Rockers at the meeting. You have to understand, it’s a show of force to have two parahumans representing your team, especially when they know there’s at least two more. It’s my first mission being anything but hidden in the shadows. Yet, two steps in, what do you do?’[/color] Creep wouldn’t leave enough room to respond before responding herself. [color=7a5e6a]‘You [i]abandoned[/i] me. Turned and ran, turned against Shatterpoint’s commands and left me to fend for my own against all of Denver’s villains.’[/color] Now, yes, Creep was now aware of the circumstances, but still. [color=7a5e6a]‘This tells me you’re whimsical and probably do not hold the Rockers’ best interest at heart. In the meeting itself, when the news of Ceramix and Shatterpoint’s capture came in mid-meeting, we were about to be dismissed as irrelevant, crushed without leaders, not to be given a say. However, I spoke out. I made a deal with the mastermind the Broker, to whom I offered the Rockers’ cooperation in future jobs for our continued relevance. I have friends, parahuman friends, that I could imagine inviting to bolster our powers. I have become invested in this team, and want to see it grow and succeed… which is why I hesitate to leave it under the charge of the one who abandoned me when I needed her the most.’[/color] So Creep said, head turned towards Visage. Creep apologized inside her mind. In different circumstances, she really wouldn’t have used that as a weapon, but this was a desperate time. … She was not confident about this. Not in the slightest. Her muscles were all exceedingly tense as she awaited the result, her fists squeezing where she had her arms crossed. The majority of the Rockers turned to Visage, waiting for her reply. A small divide was already forming, but Creep’s words were turning the tide towards her. A betrayal like she had described was not a good sign for those who supported Visage, and murmurs expressed concern. The prospect of more Capes being drawn in was both a blessing and a curse to most of these regular goons, a bolster of support and a reminder that they were [I]less[/I]. Creep calling out Visage actually surprised her, though it probably shouldn't have. She really wanted this seat of power, and she would lose Visage to get it, eh? She started thinking up a response as soon as possible. Visage burst out laughing to stall for a little more time. After a beat though, she spoke. [b]”You think anyone here is going to believe your lies? I’m sorry that Shatterpoint called me out halfway through the meeting to assist with the situation at the Denver Center for the performing Arts. I even took out some guards for him, allowing him to sustain a little bit longer in the fight with the heroes.”[/b] Her voice up to this point was strained, but the next sentence dripped with sarcasm, [b]”I'm so [i]so[/i] sorry that you're [i]so[/i] adverse to responsibility that you're now whining about this to all present. 'When you needed me most' cut the shit. If you can't handle speaking about truces, I don't know how you'll handle the less than peaceful normal operation of the Rockers."[/b] Visage paused momentarily, before continuing. Meanwhile Creep blinked in surprise under her blindfold, taken aback at Visage calling her a liar. Visage had lied. She 100%, undeniably lied. Sheila cursed internally. Leave it to a villain to use such a tactic. [color=7a5e6a]‘That’s not-’[/color] she started in a heated voice, but Visage interrupted her. [b]"You claim to actually care about the people here, well. Prove it. Pick someone out, anyone besides Joaquin or me, and tell me their name."[/b] She said, seeming supremely confident. Creep was shaken. She wouldn’t do well in a social test, and Visage knew it. While she had picked out a couple of names during her time in the Rockers, Visage probably knew them all by heart. No. Creep would not win by playing Visage’s game. She’d have to play by the advantages she had, herself. The fact she felt slighted by the lie helped her talk. [color=7a5e6a]‘I can’t-’[/color] she started again, but then she figured starting with admitting a weakness was not good. Creep reconsidered her thoughts and took a deep breath. [color=7a5e6a]‘I was a hidden scout. I counted the numbers of enemies. I stole weapons and information from our enemies to the Rockers. I left our calling card, spread our reputation and territory. I got Swarm down on his knees so that Shatterpoint could take him out. I can fight, and I think I am proving right now that I can talk. Truce-talk isn’t hard, you’re right, convincing the villains of Denver you’re still relevant as a lone unknown figure after your leaders were just crushed was harder. Yet, I created a little upset with my deal with the Broker. They know who I am now, I’m a recognized figure of the Rockers. That’s more than I can say for you,’[/color] Creep said, head held high. [color=7a5e6a]‘You know very well I wasn’t big on the social sector, whereas you’re an entirely social creature, so I’m not going to challenge you at your own game. I’d even claim you’re a much more natural leader than I am. However, I am concerned with the fact you’re the kind who would lie to your own men in order to win their trust. A worthy leader should not need to do that. You’re simply a manipulator by nature and can’t even help it, can you?’[/color] she continued, disdain in her voice. [color=7a5e6a]‘You’re making use of that nobody we can trust was at the meeting that can confirm the truth. Shatterpoint called nobody from the meeting. You took two steps in, and then, while I don’t remember exactly what you said, you left while saying something about being undermined. You left, because something in there displeased you. Something in there was too much for you. If I’d wager a guess, it was Epsilon’s power-nullifying device that the Broker had brought and activated, preventing you from getting readings on anyone in the room. You couldn’t manipulate anyone like that. Didn’t like not having an advantage over everyone else, did you, Thinker?’[/color] If allowed to get that far, Creep’d leave it hanging after saying that. She’d gotten herself riled up on that slight. She made a mental note that’s twice now that anger had helped her talk. Throughout the speech Visage shook her head and made a ‘tsk’ noise repeatedly. [b]”I’m glad we agree I’m a natural leader. I’m sure we can also agree that we shouldn’t have a leader who no one here has the seen results from. I’m not a manipulator, the men here have seen how I work. I’m about results not talk, while you seem to be doing plenty of the latter and have shown us none of the former..You claim you did this, you claim you did that, I bet there was a unicorn at the meeting after Shatterpoint called me out of it, but we’ll never know. It’s always interesting to see how someone reacts when called out for lying, but you weren’t interesting at all, you just doubled down. Again, you’re all talk.”[/b] Her confidence was growing. In all honesty, Creep’s comment about being a recognized figure did strike a bit of a nerve, but she didn’t let it show. [b]”Also I love how you ended your little speech with an accusation that isn’t true, and demonstrably so. Everyone here who has seen me work knows I’m not a thinker in the least.”[/b] Visage shrugged, before placing her hands on her hips. [b]”Do you have any other empty accusations, or nebulous things you want to brag about, or are you finished?”[/b] She said, staring down Creep as best she could. Creep stared at Visage, who assured that she was all talk. Creep crossed her arms, her own confidence growing as well. None of what Visage had said came across as threatening to her. [color=7a5e6a]‘I’m sure the men can think of a time during the last few months where Shatterpoint seemed to know more than he should, where enemies reacted as if we’d struck them twice or even saw when Swarm was knocked to his knees. My feats have been laid bare. However, you…’[/color] Creep tilted her head, looking at Visage. [color=7a5e6a]‘You’re hiding it, huh? Sure, you do have non-Thinker powers that you flaunt, but you got something more. I noticed it the first time we met. You have some manner of information-gathering technique that works as long as the person in question perceives you. Hence, you noticed me, even when you should not have, because nobody normally perceives me. What other powers are you hiding from your men, Visage? How deep does your manipulation go? What’s the goal of it all? Because, with the way you left me at the meeting, I sincerely doubt your goals align with those of the Rockers…’[/color] She was going to maintain her supposed “lies”. That way, she hoped, she looked more believable. By this point the goons had divided pretty solidly, with about 4 standing near Creep and 8 standing around Visage, and were steadily fidgeting more and more. “I ain't seen nuthin’!” One man shouted from the front of Visage's group. “Ain't never seen no help from this freak.” “Shut your mouth, Dwayne, you know damn well that what he said was what we seen. Even Shatter left that one night in a hurry when them Community punks were doing their thing!” retorted a man near Creep. “Seniority, help, it's a damn obvious choice.” “Fuck no it ain't, ya half-wit. Creep about as elo-quint as my fucking dog. It's all just distraction, I bet, while the boss is gone,” another from Visage's side interjected. “They even agreed that Visage is a better leader!” It was going her way, at least for now, but caught up in the moment Visage realized the problem too late. There was probably no way to keep Creep in the Rockers anymore if Visage became leader. After all, she wasn’t anywhere near useless, nor would Visage consider her a pawn to be thrown away. With the aggressive stance Creep had taken the stranger had reacted in kind, which now seemed like a poor decision. Having all the Rockers present probably would barely make up for not having Creep. Two-thirds would not in any way make up for Creep though. Visage had to reflect on the cost-benefit more now. The gang members squabbled among each other as she considered resolutions. Honestly, being second in command or just about wouldn’t be a massive deal. The power she’d be able to exercise would be notably less, but she’d still be able to make power plays. At worst she’d gain more of Creep’s disdain, but that was already in good supply. The shovel was honestly heavy, so Visage had to consider what to do now that she had dug so far down. Though it would make her base unhappy, joint leadership was an option. That probably wasn’t a good enough concession, Creep would see through it as a powerless political concession. However there was a forfeiture that would almost certainly make everyone present happy, and was an aesthetic that Visage found absolutely irresistible. [b]”I think I have a solution Creep. Although I don’t like the accusations made today, I’m willing to forgive them. I’ll accept your leadership, and act as your second in command under one condition.”[/b] Pausing, she sorted through all the nodes of those present. It wasn’t hard to find all of them, as she could just look at faces present for reminders. While she was doing that, she also dismissed the Epsilon node. No reason to have that. With dissonance dialed up to max, she changed her appearance to match Creep. A slightly more busty Creep, but clearly Creep. With the dissonance at max, it would appear to everyone present that where Visage once stood now Creep did, with no mind fuckery to smooth that out. [b]”We become Creep. I follow guidelines you set about being in this disguise, and we show power with more presence than a single leader can.”[/b] Creep was a bit befuddled by the reaction of the crowd. None of them seemed to actually be getting her approach of that Visage was “a natural leader, but not a suitable leader”. It was confusing to her, and she wasn’t sure what to say to bring them to her side anymore, what kind of words that would get through to them. Should she try cursing? Would that work? Now, she had planted a trap in her words that she honestly hoped Visage wouldn’t bite, that she was sure would bring her victory but it’d cost so much more, an argument Visage could use against her reasoning which she had a fatal comeback against… But it seemed Visage had enough. Creep’s frown under her mask waned, mind cleared up, as it became clear that while she had little impact on the men, they had certainly gotten through to Visage. She was surprised by Visage’s words, and then… then Visage changed herself to look like Creep. Creep stood dumbfounded for a slight moment while Visage explained. They’d both be Creep, it took a bit for her to properly process that, the advantages and possible disadvantages. It was too easy to imagine that Visage would rule the Rockers behind her back. Still, this was the better alternative. … Yikes, that’s a perfect replica, better than what Sheila could have devised. Though, did she actually look like that? Did her outfit actually emphasize her chest like- A quick look at herself through her power told that, no, Visage was intentionally increasing the chest-size of the replica. … That irked her a little. Creep used said irk to speak. She’d think first later that perhaps, just like herself, Visage would rather not change her natural body-shape in her illusion. [color=7a5e6a]‘I find this solution acceptable. It’s good to have you, Visage,’[/color] she said. … It did occur to her to maybe call her “Creep”, but she was too unsure if that’d come across as unsuitable. Creep wanted to say more, but she couldn’t think of anything, so it became a pause and then she was too hesitant to say anything additionally. She now turned her head, looking to the groups of Rockers that were not in her favour. She didn’t need to turn her head to see them, but she did it in place of asking for their thoughts. Asking them such a question did not come across as leader-like in Creep’s mind. The goons all looked at Visage!Creep with a kind of dumfounded surprise, her own supporters taking a few steps back towards the others. Shocked murmurs ran through the small crowd at her giving up, doubt of backing her growing. And then Creep accepted the proposal, effectively silencing everyone as they looked at her in surprise. This hadn't been a change in the debate that they had expected, and it left most of them in a kind of stupor. Then she turned towards them and the spell was broken. One by one they formed a fist, putting it on their heart, and kneeled. Most seemed to be simply copying the first few, such as Joaquin, who initiated the strange behavior. It seemed that they were submitting to her rule. “What of our main force in Boulder?” one man asked hesitantly, his voice echoing and loud in the silence. “A-and you said more Capes?” It seemed that, at last, Creep had the undivided attention of the room. Even Visage had knelt down; she rolled her eyes, though they were hidden behind her new blindfold. … Heh. They were… actually kneeling for her. A dumb, awkward elation went through Creep, seeing this. She determined not to let this show, simply raising her head as if all was right in the world right now, her arms still crossed. The man’s question was a valid one, one which she had been intending to answer. [color=7a5e6a]‘The main force needs to be informed at once, and it’s a matter that needs to be told in person. We will depart at once. After that, me, Visage and any lieutenants will be discussing the inner workings of the Rockers, what is good and what is subject to change. And… heh,’[/color] she let a small chuckle out, because yeah, she said that, didn’t she? Guess she was investing in that now. The “friends” she had mentioned earlier… [color=7a5e6a]‘Indeed. I have a couple of friends I wish to invite to the Rockers, now that I’m this invested. Should they agree to come, the Rockers will grow stronger. Add that to my deal with the Broker, and we’ll see if we can’t get the Rockers moving up a bit in the world, won’t we?’[/color] Saying so, Creep jumped off the table she stood on. She left a shadowy trail behind her using her power, simply for effect, which caught up to her when she landed. [color=7a5e6a]‘I need a couple or all of you that can confirm what have happened here. We’re heading to Boulder,’[/color] … Okay. That… that worked out, short-term. As for long-term… she’d have to see, wouldn’t she? Honestly, she was still a bit drunk on success, she wasn’t entirely thinking straight. It was the strangest thing to be happy about. Even if it was partly because Visage had decided to let her, Sheila had successfully talked her way to the top of one of the villain teams in Denver. She was now a soon-to-be recognized supervillain. Wo-ho?[/hider]