Crow walked back around to the front of the inn and stepped inside to find Penelope waiting for him in the lobby. He smiled tiredly as he approached her, glad to have a moment alone with her before they rejoined William in the room. After she spoke up, he nodded, “Seems that way.” He leaned in to meet her lips as she kissed him. Wrapping his arms around her back, he pulled her close to himself, although, being conscious of his wound, he made sure not to bring her close enough to brush against his chest. It felt good to be able to kiss her like that after everything they had just gone through. He pressed into her passionately despite his weariness. When they parted again, he laced his fingers with hers and planted a kiss on her cheek. “He better be,” he snorted. “I took a knife for him today. I think that deserves at least grudging tolerance.” Crow walked with Penelope down the hall that led to their room. When they reached it, he opened the door and was amused to see that William had taken up the bed closest to the exit, leaving the two remaining beds that were next to each other for the others. While he knew it probably had more to do with the fact that the older knight seemed to prefer to sleep near the door than it did with him promoting his comrade’s relationship with a thief, Crow was glad he wasn’t going out of his way to keep them apart. He let go of Penelope’s hand and stepped over to claim the bed by the window. Sitting down on the edge of the mattress, he bent forward to take off his boots, wincing as the movement caused the wound in his side to strain. He was quick to remove the shoes so he could get out of the uncomfortable position. Once he was done with that, he laid back on the bed and let out his breath in a long exhale. He could feel the various aches in his body subsiding a bit as he relaxed against the soft mattress. Crow pulled the warm blanket over himself and closed his eyes, already beginning to feel himself slipping out of consciousness before he even finished settling down for the night.