[center][h2] [color=DarkGray]The Lycan Covenant[/color] [/h2] [/center] Vlath had awoke from the strange dream in somewhat confused shock,what had he just experienced? A vision from the God's themselves perhaps? It had felt too real to be a mere dream, perhaps activating that obelisk had started events he could not have foreseen. What were the creatures in his vision? Deep below the sea they were, were they puppets of the Young Gods? Or fellow children of the Great Trinity of the Void? He knew not but it would be something he should address soon. As he left the area his fellow Shadowclaw had used as a resting place (naturally it was close to the first reclaimed obelisk) he ordered a handful of his more knowledgeable Shadowclaw to meet him at the shoreline at noon. Vlath had met with Goldtooth at the very river they were to discuss some time after he had awoken from his strange dream, Goldtooth explained there options and after a brief discussion they agreed a pontoon bridge is the best course of action for the moment. Once the bridge had been established and houses built they could consider a true bridge to allow larger loads to cross at a time, for now a pontoon would suffice- shelter must be provided as soon as possible after all. After their business was concluded, Vlath reminded Goldtooth [color=DarkGray]"When the lumber is across the bridge you and your workers will begin constructing houses, for all tribes. Once that is done we will consider what else we may began construction of."[/color] with that final word Vlath made his way to meet with the other Shadowclaw members at the shoreline. The Voidcaller had arrived some time earlier than the other four Lycan, who had arrived around noon. Vlath had watched the somewhat turbulent ocean and the stormy skies- nothing his people were not used to but it felt different now. He turned to those present and said [color=DarkGray]"I have had a vision. Something lurks deep beneath the waves, I do not know what but the God's have deemed it necessary I know of their existence. I have gathered you here so we may discuss the meaning of this vision and a possible solution."[/color] and so the discussion began. Initially there were many suggestions that the Gods meant it as a warning about the creatures in the ocean until one of the older of the group (Vera,one of the more scholarly of the Shadowclaw clan and being accused of heresy at various points in his life- he always seemed to be one step ahead the tribe in terms of both theological ideas and in his evasion of those who would silence him. Vlath was fond of him despite his borderline heretical ideas.) said the Gods would of told them of such threats before the journey and therefore such a point was moot. Eventually the debate turned to the idea that these creatures were pointed out to them by the Gods as potential allies, surely a strange suggestion but the only solution the group could fully agree upon. After a further period of debate Vlath finally decided [color=DarkGray]"If they are true creations of the Gods then surely they will know their divine tongue! Come, we shall speak to the oceans themselves!" [/color] while Vlath himself was not entirely convinced such an idea would work and he was merely offering a solution that would allow him to return to the camps and oversee construction soon, he was somewhat curious if these beings from the deep had some connection with the Gods. After all, why else would the Gods show them to him? The Shadowclaw behind him began to line up and shout into the stormy ocean in a language known by all lycan but only understood by the Shadowclaw, the proclaimed language of the Gods. As their voices wrestled with the sounds of the waves crashing onto the beach Vlath pondered if it would be beneficial to find a way to store the language in some way, after all he doubted even 100 lycans knew the language at this point. After several minutes the group of lycans fell to silence and turned to Vlath. Assuming nothing happened he nodded at each of those present [color=DarkGray]"I thank you for being here, the Gods will surely be pleased with your dedication. Now, I must return to Wolfhelm and assemble a group for my pilgrimage to the next pillar for it's reclamation."[/color] he said before beginning the walk back to Wulfhelm. On his return Vlath immediately set about on preparing for his next pilgrimage, requesting a representative from each clan aswell as a small group of his own personal zealots-not true warriors in any sense of the word but individuals truly dedicated to the Gods. Vlath allowed the other leaders to function as they wish while he prepared and went on his journey north to reclaim the second obelisk. [hider=Summary] A pontoon bridge is decided to be built to allow lumber to be transported across quickly as shelter is urgently needed Vlath meet up with a handful of what could generously be called theologians of the Shadowclaw tribe to discuss the matter of his vision. Vlath eventually deemed no solution would be found despite some intriguing ideas and proposed they speak the language of the Gods into the ocean with hope of drawing the beings attention. On return Vlath began preparing a small group to travel to the next obelisk for reclamation. [/hider]