Goro listened to Winter, mentally keeping note of what she said. He remembered seeing the plains on his way here, if only from a distance; a good place for open warfare. Not only was it a good road for supplies to travel but a wide open space would allow archers the most visibility for their attacks and for armies to meet one another. Calvary could easily cross the plains too. Not that Goro expects to face an army here, it was just speculation. His thoughts soon drifted when Winter mentioned Fellmore. To Goro, the land’s called Fellmore was known as Rusamyht, the Heart Land of orcs. Or at least to the Storm Eye tribe and those who would despute it; point was Goro never knew of a world outside of his homelands until he finally left it.but sure enough he was rightfully worried about possibly running into orcish raiders, Storm Eye especially. But he knew of at least theee other tribes who could sail south and cause trouble. The main one was the Black Rock tribe. As Winter said the land of Fellmore is rich in iron, and the Black Rock tribe uses it best. They had the dominate co trip over the southern sea and river routes where Ulayh is now before the Storm Eye pushed them out, and that was only possible or through outside assistance. Even with them the Black Rock tribe haven’t given up yet, with mighty warriors in advanced metal armor with keen steel weapons.amoung the orcs, the Black Rock tribe had the finest smiths. Then there was the Green Pact orcs. Another once minor tribe who allied with humans. They, much like the Storm Eye, have created alliances with human nations and receive their support. Though so far all Goro knows is that occasionally when the Storm Eye sea raiders attack human trade ships, there are Green Pact orcs among them. While not particularly known for war or wealth, the Green Pact bad skilled herbalists who create very effective medicine and combat drugs. “Madcap” is an infamous berserker brew that can turn even a young orc into a raging madman who can tear apart a bear. Goro has seen it happen before. And the last one is a mystery even to Goro. He’s come to call them the Ghost Face tribe. This is because these are strange looking orcs who wrap their faces in white cloth, probably to hide their identity, and employ fast moving ships instead of large vessels. While Storm Eye are well known warriors on the open ocean, these Ghost Face know how to sail, and definitely know how to use a sling. One would thing a simple leather cord wouldn’t be as effective as a bow and arrow, but those who dismiss it as a child’s toy would find a stone lodged in their skulls. The Ghost Face can hurl stones further than even human longbows, and use those slings to delivery payloads of oil bombs and poison gas. But Goro has never seen these orcs on land, and they tend to flee rather than fight, so he has no idea who they really are or where they came from. And of course the Storm Eye themselves were an issue. Orcs by their very nature are stronger and tougher than most humans, and use that strength to lead brutally short lives. But since their alliance with the human nations the Storm Eye tribe have received better weapons, armor, and more importantly training. Before one may think an orc to be brutish but unrefined, lacking in technique and precision. The same could not be said of the Storm Eye. Their keen senses and lightning reflexes makes them a deadly threat whether alone or in numbers; it’s not unusual to see them react to attacks they cannot see, because they’ve sensed it in other ways. Goro himself has received similar training though because he was not a warrior, his senses aren’t nearly as sharp. But if the tribes, he has no desire to face the Storm Eye, both because they are his kinsmen and because they are dangerous foes. What worries Goro the most is that he knew he will see some orcs from some tribe. Before he had fled home he knew the royal family were gathering up warriors lead by the eldest daughter and youngest son for some sort of expedition. Goro didn’t pay it much mind at the time since he was planning his escape, but now that he had some time to think it over he wouldn’t be surprised if they too were on their way to Bel’kin, or at least heading southbound where the magic is. All the more reason they must travel quickly. Aside from that Goro didn’t have much to comment on in regards to the other lands. He knew little of it but suspected that they too will hold dangers he knows little about. He could only hope his skills would be of some use should trouble arise. One thing that made him feel concerned was the lack of equipment; he loathed the idea of having to ask Winter for more handouts, but his only protection was his club. He had little in the ways of armor and had no idea how to use any form of magic at all. This concerned him. [color=00a651]”Ah, Lady Winter, I dunno if I’m da exception to dis group or not but uh... I don’t [i]know[/i] how ta use magic. Not a bit. How exactly we suppose to use magic ya fill in our gaps when we ain’t never handled it before?”[/color] Sure Goro was eager to learn, but how quickly would he pick up magic to be able to use it to defend himself? He learned how to fight at a young age, as all orcs did, but didn’t become considered decent until he was already fighting off enemy raiders from his ship. He imagined magic was similar, learn a bit of the fundamentals, and then hone it through practice and application. Or something. He looked to the others for their thoughts.