[hider=Spoopy] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC42YjZiNmIuVFdseVpRLCwuMAAAAAAAAA,,/slawterhouse-swinggang.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/372125862486736906/490313256574124053/Little_genius.jpg?width=300&height=300[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Madison Evans [b]Alias:[/b] Mire [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Alignment:[/b] Villain [b]Loyalty:[/b] Independent [b]Appearance:[/b] Madison is much scarier than she looks. Her unimposing height of 5’2 and smooth light brown skin is quite the opposite of what you would expect from a savage such as Madison. Her muddy green eyes are so dark they almost come off as a brown. Under her eyes an on the bridge of her nose are a few freckles. Madison also has a veritable mane of thick brown hair running running down past her shoulders. As for her build, Madison is a small girl not having any hidden muscle or anything like that. She’s no athlete but she’s not unfit either, she’s just average really. [b]History:[/b] Madison had a less than happy childhood, dad leaving when she was 7 wasn’t the best experience. That alone basically derailed her entire life, and to this day she still has no idea why he left or where he's, all she knows is that her mother blames her for it. While the first few years without dad were sad and a little empty, things eased up when she was around 12. This was when she’d started making friends in school and was able to cook herself tasty meals while mum was away. Though mum wasn’t always out working and had started drinking when Madison started high school. Madison was again without friends as she’d just changed schools, so she wasn’t in as good a place as before. But that was fine, Madison knew she’d be able to make friends again, it wasn’t that hard last time. Unfortunately her mother had other plans, it was late and Madison was getting herself ready for bed, when her mother came home, obviously very drunk. And it was this night that Madison learnt how her mother actually felt about her father leaving. Her mother roared and screamed at Madison about how it was [i]her[/i] fault that he left, and it was [i]her[/i] fault that no other men wanted to be with her. That her being there made men afraid because they didn’t want to deal with a child that wasn’t theirs. While these words hurt Madison greatly they were just the tip of the iceberg as her mother dragged her down into the basement. Madison was locked in there for at least half an hour as her mother continued to rage on upstairs. The light switch for the basement wasn’t in the actual basement, so all of Madison’s searching lead to nothing. And when the light finally returned her mother stood there crying. She rushed down the stair scooping up Madison and holding her tight, apologizing for the horrible words and for locking her in the basement. And the first few times Madison believed her, but after the fifth time she’d been locked down there her mother's words were empty. It’d been a month or two since the trips to the basement had started, but Madison was still terrified each time she was locked there, the nothingness was so scary she would simply close her eyes and sing to herself quietly, in hopes she’d find some way out of this hell hole. But this night was different, Madison had gotten used to the amount of time that her mother would normally take to calm down, most of the time she could also hear her mother romping around above her. But this time it was silent, she heard her singing waver as panic started to build inside her. Though she kept herself calm with the promise that her mother was coming back, she was just taking longer this time. But after many more hours of waiting Madison began to break. She stood up and tried to navigate the pitch black space, but the complete lack of light led to her bumping into walls and walking through cobwebs. Madison started to scream for help, but her cries fell on deaf ears. She continued yelling until her voice got hoarse, stumbling to the floor and bashing her head on the floor. She was trapped in this room, no way out and nowhere to go, moving around was a danger and huger was creeping in. She’d been abandoned in this place, left to die in the basement by her own mother. She triggered. After her trigger Madison became a lot more. Complicated. And she found it practically impossible to work and live under normal conditions. It was very hard to hold down a job when you when you are as unstable as Madison. Though Madison has been able to take the odd job from illegal sources. Which leads into the now, as she’s been at the whole lone wolf thing for many years now and is looking to see what a long term partnership might be like. Maybe she’d finally have a roof over her head, or one of them fancy gaming consoles. [center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Motivations:[/b] Everything Madison does is for her own enjoyment. She just wants to be happy and free. [b]Sexuality:[/b] If caught in the right mood. Anything that moves. [b]Likes:[/b] [list][*]Violence. [*]Playing games. [*]A good meal. [*]The dark. [*]Sweet foods. [*]Caramel slices. [*]Humming/Singing. [*]Most animals, especially dogs.[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list][*]Being trapped/restrained. [*]Being bored. [*]People not being grateful. [*]The dark. [*]Pigeons. [*]People hearing her singing.[/list] [b]Derangement:[/b] Madison’s derangement makes her unpredictable, highly volatile and extremely dangerous. This is evident by her disregard for human life and erratic behavior. When around her it’s impossible to tell if she’s going to flirt with you or play soccer with your still beating heart. Though this unpredictable nature is lost the moment she enters her breaker form, at which point she becomes a predator. While you would have the benefit of knowing what the heck she was thinking now, her thoughts would most likely be on your demise, be it swift or prolonged. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] Singer- Madison has a naturally good singing voice that she’s nurtured during the many hours she spent locked away, though she isn’t that forthcoming to people hearing her singing. Prefers to sing tunes in private. Cooker- Madison learnt to cook when she was very young, she couldn’t rely on mother being there to feed her so she had to adapt. And after years of this she became a pretty good cook, having a good range of foods she can make. Anything from fried rice to steak roast. Stabber- After her trigger started to carry a knife with her on the regular. She’s figured out all the best places to stab for all sorts of things. Like the biggest bleedy points, or where it hurts most. Survival(er)- Having to live on the move is something Madison has come to accept and has adapted accordingly. She knows what good things to scavenge from bins, and what things she’s better off just stealing. And if it’s worthwhile maybe accepting some work and getting a bit of money in. Because it didn’t hurt to have some money. [b]Classification:[/b] Breaker sub Shaker | Stranger [hider=Breaker from] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/35/e2/8e/35e28e9ffc2424f8b93954c964dbc23b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Details:[/b] She enters her Breaker state, becoming a creature of a dark black gas. She is constantly emitting a thick black mist, filling the immediate area. She can change how much area the mist tries to fill, be it spreading the mist out to fill a large area of making it a simple cloak over her entire body. The mist is like liquid to Mire allowing her to move through the mist as if floating in water, but she can't actually fly. The gas that makes up her body is semi solid, almost like gelatin in consistency, while the mist she expels is slightly thinner and spreads at a moderate pace outward from her person. Anyone inside the mist, or in contact with it, has their senses affected. They start to smell things that elicit fear or dread like blood or foul odors, they hear sounds that trick them into going places or attacking nothing. They can feel random touches all over their bodies. But nothing is physically happening to them. Mire is able to move through the gas unimpeded and see clearly as if nothing were there, but she is aware of how far her mist has spread. Leaving the gas will lift the effects after a duration of time based on how long you were affected, up to five minutes. Being in the gas that long will have the effects linger for an extra minute. Mire’s can condense her body to become more or less solid, to the point where bullets either pass through her harmlessly or simply bounce off her. She is also able to shift her body's shape, being able to do things like turning her fingers to blade like claws to increasing her size and taking a bestial form, but this ability does have its limits. [b]Limitations:[/b] The gas can only spread 3 meters above the ground and ten meters in away from her, after that it starts to flow back to her body. Her shape changing abilities cannot replicate advanced mechanical workings, only able to shift to basic things like claws, spines, whips and other animalistic shapes. And the maximum size she can take is determined by how far her mist has spread, being a few extra inches as soon as she changes form to being many meters long and tall when her mist has spread to its maximum. [b]Equipment:[/b] Knife- Madison carries a massive 7 inch long kitchen knife with her at all times, you never know when you might need to stab something. And a blade this big stabs pretty good. Clothes- Madison does indeed wear clothing. Backpack- Madison has a sturdy school backpack she uses to carry around anything she picks up, be it lunch from the supermarket or a cute shirt she stole off someone. [/hider]