[@Karkinos] Serendibite stay silent as the small gem was studying her, when the small gem ask her who she was and if she was a crystal gem, she still stay silent. Serendibite knows it rude to stay quiet but she doesn't know who this gem and what side this gem is on, Crystal gem or Homeworld? Friend or Foe? But Serendibite stay silent. When the small gem device make a sound, it make Serendibite jump a little bit,[i] [color=6f879b]Since when Homeworld make that device?[/color] [/i] Serendibite thought. The small gem talk about the wonders of technology and ask Serendibite where would we be without them, Serendibite respond with a shrug. Small gem say that there is certain significance in this building and suggest to enter the building, Serendibite sign, [color=6f879b]"Ok, if you really want to go in there, then we shall. But we should probably pull out our weapons..." [/color]With a glow of her gem on her palm, Serendibite pull her knightly sword and rest blade on her shoulder [color=6f879b]"...Just in case if there danger up ahead."[/color] and with that say, Serendibite enter the building.