Penelope sighed a little as Crow tried to avoid getting up and turned her head to look over at William as the older knight stepped up besides her. She took a small step back to give William space to inspect Crow's injury. From a distant, she eyed it as well, feeling a bit uneasy at the sight of it. Penelope had had many wounds but never anything as bad as Crow's so even she felt a bit unsettled by it. She was relieved to hear he was healing fine though and relaxed a little at William's words. She looked over at Crow as he stood up and nodded her head. "Alright." She agreed then leaned over to press a quick kiss to his cheek before he left to get the horses. She turned and grabbed her things before moving to join William as the two knights headed out of the room. "How's your arm?" Penelope asked her comrade as they walked down the hall. William shrugged. "Nothing to be concerned about." He answered gruffly. Penelope gave a small nod. "Well at least we'll be back in Brerra soon." She mumbled, side glancing over at the older knight. William gave a small grunt of agreement as they reached the innkeeper. He handed over the keys and then the two knights headed outside to wait for Crow to get the horses. "Exactly what is your plan for when we get back, Penelope?" He asked, narrowing his gaze at the female knight. "Finish the mission and hope for the best." She responded casually, clearly picking up that he was trying to figure out what she was planning with Crow. While William was more tolerable now, she definitely didn't want him learning about their actual plans. "Even if the king had poor judgement, surely he wouldn't allow him to rise all the way to the status of nobility." He scoffed. Penelope paused before letting out a soft sigh. "Maybe not... But we have to at least try." She said, lowering her voice with quiet determination. It was all an act of course, one William luckily seemed to buy. He snorted at her words and shook his head still disappointed in her decision. Luckily, William didn't seem to even consider that Penelope would be willing to leave behind her noble life for Crow. She shrugged her shoulders and looked ahead as they waited for Crow to reappear with the horses.