The flirty behavior suggested that Sofia was trying to elicit a reaction from Rhiane but she missed her mark. New Rome's princess elect was a jealous and possessive person but she did not feel sufficient attachment to Luke for these feelings to be invoked. It was true that he had made some romantic overtures the night prior, but they had been chased by thinly veiled displeasure at her innocent kiss on the cheek, and he hadn't exactly abandoned all his plans in favor of wooing her through a date today to prove the gestures genuine. The crown prince was hot-and-cold, arrogant, and distant, and while this did not make her despise him, it did make her stop short of an emotional investment beyond their political arrangement. So long as Luke held her at an arm's length she would do the same for him and, as a result, would not feel an ownership to his heart. Watching Sofia was little different from watching a girl she barely knew coyly smile at a business associate. Although she'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that a tiny hidden part of the former farmer was slightly saddened by her conviction that Luke was so beyond her grasp. Before answering Alec Wescott Rhiane glanced at Sofia with a look that was a mixture of polite pity and amusement. She did not say anything to the other woman but her expression clearly spoke she felt badly for the actress that had squandered whatever chance she had and was reduced to these petty little games. Soon one of them would be princess, then queen, and the other would be only the former lover rather than a mistress that might have some leverage on policy. "I am glad to hear you approve," Rhiane said first to Luke. In public her tone was affable and sweet but he had the distinct impression that her gratitude was sincere for his endorsement of this little project she had so suddenly announced on broadcast. "We did not have much time to [i]talk[/i] last night after the interview," she admitted. She had a spectacular ability to tell the truth- in this case they didn't have opportunity to converse- while engaging in deception- referring to how they had both fallen asleep quickly while insinuating to the other couple they had partaken in certain nighttime activities. Had he not been present himself and known nothing transpired beyond actual slumber he would have easily suspected the latter before the former. They were, after all, sharing a bed and both highly attractive people. "The press will almost certainly want to cover this initiative, yes, and I do plan to be personally involved as it is something very dear to me," she stated. "However, I anticipate that will happen regardless of whether or not I have the support of Evolab through their products, if another pharmaceutical company approaches me with a charitable contribution, or I rely on the allocated funds in the treasury to more independently pursue my goal. One could argue that refusing a partnership would be better for an image of a 'compassionate ruler' as it would prove neither myself nor Prince Luke are beholden to a corporate empire in the pursuit of ensuring the health of our people. I concede there could be a failure in a lack of medical professional volunteers, or budgeting promised for another endeavor, but I am happy to meet with any member of the press to explain anything or anyone that might obstruct my vision." It wasn't a threat but it could certainly be interpreted that way. Rhiane was a shining star that had already charmed and dazzled the vast majority of the populace. Considering her background, her hardworking disposition, and her lack of scandal, she could rally people against Evolab more easily than the conglomerate might want to consider. "I understand that you might be wary of a donation and might want me to personally speak well of Evolab, but I will soon be joined in holy matrimony to the royal family, and so I must be exceeding cautious so as to not reflect poorly on our monarchy. If you would like me to consider a formal endorsement I will need to examine Evolab more closely. An audit, to be performed by a forensic accountant, would be a necessity, as well as a well-documented history of all prior social programs, including not just cost but who they reached, the success with inoculation and/or treatment, and how the individuals were selected versus those that were not covered. I also believe that, in good conscience, I would need an investigation into the northern epidemic of eight years ago. How many were affected, how many Evolab assisted in testing, how many were subsidized in treatment or preventative measures, quotes that given to to the afflicted, offers extended for those in life-or-death scenarios, profit margins for that quarter. I know that predates your appointment to your position but," she said with a saccharine smile, "it would be strange if I didn't want that information, don't you think?" Rhiane wasn't an anticipated guest. The crown had expressly forbidden any mention through the press coverage of the contest that any mention be made of the epidemics that struck the northern reaches of the kingdom from eight years ago. She had not been the only candidate who had emerged from a town devastated by contagion. This blemish on history had been buried and along with it the truth about both her mother and brother's deaths. Officially there were death certificates that said what they had died from but it was social suicide to approach the topic further. Broaching the subject could only lead to discussion of how greed, negligence, and indifference had cost the lives of more than two farmers before the nation realized they had to aggressively eliminate the threat of it spreading further if not cured. "Luke, would it be all right if we sat?" she asked with a gesture towards her ankle in its silicone brace. It was sore but not excessively painful; she was just taking advantage of the convenient excuse to get away from the duo that neither of them truly wanted to talk with further.