Pari came to her room, Lavanya padding quietly behind her. The slaves from before dismissed to do other jobs around the estate. When she entered the room her three personal maids began their flutter. Each was in a different stage of life. There was the youngest, just learning the ways one must dote and care for a princess. She was just barely sixteen and learning her new job to care for her family. Her name was Fatima. There was the mother. She had birthed three children so far and if her belly were any sign another was on the way. Though the bump was still small, it was unmistakable to another woman. She was called Rosa for the distant land from which she had come. Finally, there was the older woman. She had cared for Pari's mother and even her grandmother in the later stages of her life. She was a woman who knew the courts and its needs. She was the master of the two girls and nothing passed by her without her say so. The woman was called Naem. Between the three women, she was bathed in luxurious scents. her body was soaped and cleansed of the sweat one tended to accrue in such a humid and hot climate. From there she was dried and oiled down in earthy scents such as myrrh. Her body was to fully dry naked as the women worked upon her hair. Intricate braids were created, curls curated, and a style only a noble could wear decorated her head. The women then removed excess oils with towels, leaving the girl bare and open to the world while they picked a dress. Lavanya lounged on a couch, used to this waiting period. She watched the flurry, head laid upon crossed paws. Her eyes never left her mistress and sister. She would watch for the final invitation to come. If the tigress did not approve of the outfit, Pari would not wear it. The three women fluttered and hovered. A soft sky blue skirt of silks with carrying lengths was wrapped around her waist. It did not show any leg but made for an interesting layered appearance. Her stomach was left bare while the matching sky blue shirt was buttoned at her back - a small thing which covered her shoulders and breast allowing the mere hint of cleavage to peek through. Finally, a lace shawl of deep, navy blue was wrapped over her head and thrown over a shoulder while one end dangled down her front. All were embroidered with gold. Some kohl was placed around her eyes and gold applied strongly to her eyelids but also dusted across her high cheekbones. Bangles, necklaces, and rings were added to accent the outfit. The young Maharajani admired her form in the mirror. She found it quite decadent and pleasing. Perhaps whoever the Elven ship contained would find her quite irresistible. Pari hope, for her own sanity, he would be a competent and delightful suitor. She did no have high hopes though and imagined perhaps her father, if not herself, would send away such a bore. Pari spun and showed her figure to the tiger on the couch. [b]"Well, my darlingest love, what do you think?"[/b] The tiger lifted her head and after a pause came down from her throne. She moved around the young princess, sniffed and nuzzled before finally sitting and giving the chuff of approval. Pari hugged the beast, pleased to not have to go through such a procedure again, before making her way down the hall. Lavanya padded behind her as they approached the greeting throne room.