[h3][color=f26522]Hobgoblin Gird[/color][/h3] [color=F7941d] Kill the beast while its wounded >>>> A good fight /// Day 5 // Evening [/color] Gird rode the beast to the ground but continued to rip and tear at its neck until he could no longer see it draw breath. [color=f26522]“I sacrifice this ones soul to Duvelna as he was a worthy opponent.” [/color]Blood still dripping from the pale hob goblin as he announced his prayer to his goddess. [color=f26522]“Again she gave us a mighty foe, and again we passed her test.”[/color] The newcomer began to bash the alphas head with a large stone and spoke a few names. Turning away from him and towards Ren, [color=f26522]“good job brother, we all did a good job but now it seems that it is getting dark and this kill might attract predators.”[/color] Turning to face back towards the cave and the trolls that still lingered inside. [color=f26522]“Gina, you got us here. It should be your decision on what to do to these.”[/color] Motioning his head back to the other trolls. Leaving them to whatever she wanted to do with them, Gird returned to the alphas corpse and began to strip away flesh from the bone. He wanted to upgrade his bone armor and this creature defiantly looked like he had some big strong bones he could use. Mostly taking a few ribs to upgrade his chest piece and maybe add it in to the back and shoulders of the webbing. While the legs or arm bones could be put to use along his arms or legs. He wouldn’t need much and whatever the others wanted he would let them have first. The hobgoblin wasn’t trying to be greedy he would only take what he needed and leave the rest. After finishing this task which likely took him a few minutes, Gird would talk to the others while investigating in and around the cave while the others did whatever it was they were doing. He eventually stumbled upon some old rotten meat. Looked to be some sort of animal that he didn’t recognize. The trolls didn’t seem too interested in it for whatever reason. Gird was about to move on and leave the meat where it was. That was until he heard it. The chilling voice of what he could only assume was his goddess or maybe some spirit that was trying to guide him. [color=662d91][i]“Eat… become stronger…. Eat…”[/i][/color] a whisper of a voice that seemed distant and far away. The chilling feeling slowly disappeared, and he was left looking at the meat before him. Suddenly a pit grew in his stomach that wasn’t there before, and he found himself on his knees next to the rotting substance. Picking up some meat in his hands Gird soon found himself both eating and gagging on the meat before him. It was a compulsion, and he couldn’t seem to stop himself even though there was perfectly good troll meat nearby. [@demonspade64] [@Jangel13] [@Kheliop] [@Crusader Lord] [hider=Gird's Character Stats] [color=00a651]EXP:[/color] 12 > 152? [color=00a651]Inventory:[/color] [color=00a651]Clothing:[/color] Alpha rabbit loin cloth, Medium bone and spider silk armor, [color=00a651]Weapons:[/color] Sharp Bite, Claws, sharp wooden spear [color=00a651]Acquired Skills:[/color] Beast Tamer, Sharp Bite, Knowledge of the 3, Unarmed Combat: beginner, Rookie camouflage, bloody strike, Grave keepers Spirit, Silk Spinning, Stone Skin, [color=00a651]Titles:[/color] [color=00a651]Blessings:[/color] Blessings of the dead, Devils luck, [color=ed1c24]Current Injuries:[/color] [color=ed1c24]Curses:[/color] [/hider]