[color=cccccc][center][img]https://www.dropbox.com/s/bbrbd53qrsnr5on/Char2.png?raw=1[/img] [sub][color=FFB347]Name:[/color] Dr. Mathias Röemheld [color=FFB347]Age:[/color] Fourty Three [color=FFB347]Gender:[/color] Male [color=FFB347]Profession:[/color] Doctorate of Pathology[/sub] [h3][color=FFB347]◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈[/color][/h3][/center] [indent][indent][sub][color=FFB347][u] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/color][/sub] [indent][indent]Coming straight out the 90's fashion catalog is Dr. Röemheld, standing strong in his signature woolen jacket and slim turtleneck sweater; articles of clothing which are coloured in a mature shade of chestnut and navy respectively. The combination of attire, his 1950's round specs, and the slick in his hair all help to present the good doctor as someone who obtained his position through no easy feat. It should be known however that Mathias is a man with a rough edge to his pristine demeanour. A ragged, balbo beard rests below his lifeless, grey eyes; a pair of gangly hands which appear twice the age of his weary face; and a distinct limp from a dodgy, right knee. Only the few who know him well will know the reasons to his aged guise.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFB347][u] I N H E R I T E D C U R S E [/u][/color][/sub] [indent][indent]Lycanthropy[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFB347][u] C H A R A C T E R T R A I T S [/u][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=FFB347]» Mark of the Wolf:[/color] The curse of Lycanthropy is a unique ailment. A mark which offers an abundance of strength, healing, and heighten senses for the lone, monthly cost of a night of beasthood. While his illness is impressive it has taken a toll on his body, wearing it thin and scaring him from the core to his ragged skin. [color=FFB347]» Man of Science:[/color] As a doctor for two decades, Dr Röemheld is quite the educated individual. He know much more about the happenings of Brier Hill than he lets on, and it would be foolish to disregard his words of guidance. At the same time, obtaining those words is a task unto itself with the Doctor viewing other cursed members as "filthy abominations" not worthy of his time. [color=FFB347]» Note to Self:[/color] Mathias is a writer, but more importantly a note keeper. Within his coat pocket he keeps a small leather diary which holds all that he sees, and all that he wishes to document. While its presence may be known, its contents are hidden — a book for his eyes and his eyes alone. [/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFB347][u] D A R K H U N G E R S ( P E R S O N A L C H A L L E N G E S ) [/u][/color][/sub] [indent][indent][color=FFB347]» The Non-Believer:[/color] Mathias struggles to acknowledge his Lycanthropy affliction, even as he continues to take a specially formulated dose to prevent the monthly mutations. It goes against everything he has experienced and no one seems understand why. [color=FFB347]» A Stolen Memory:[/color] The diary Mathias keeps is more to him than any mere notebook from an office supplies store. It is a totem, a memory record for the days where his mind fades off into the pale moonlight. To lose it would be to lose his identity, and would reduce him down to no more than a mad Dr. Jekyll, bound by the shackles of a beastly Mr Hyde. [/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFB347][u] A S P I R A T I O N S / P E R S O N A L M O T I V A T I O N S [/u][/color][/sub] [indent][indent]As a doctor, Mathias is currently researching the curse and its connections to the human genome. He hopes to one day find a cure, and is even willing to pay the price if it means he can eliminate the plague entirely. The question that is yet to be answered is how much can he truly afford?[/indent][/indent] [/indent][/indent][/color]