[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - Something is amiss [/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] So let us recap. We have one Emendator whose location is unknown. We have one paradox that just went ~poof~. We have one man running around freaking the fuck out. We have one Emendator who just went on vacation as it were. We have one Paradox who left to go inform others of what happened, well what she knows since she doesn't know anything past Evelina's location being unknown. A Pair is going on a field trip to New York. Someone is planning a party. Someone is going to eat. The rest are about doing their thing. Isn't this just a cluster fuck? Well it's about to become one if you didn't already feel that it was. You see at the front gate, a line of [url=https://hbowatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/carnivale-little-guy.jpg]trucks and cars[/url] are pulling up. They are covered in dust and dirt. Looking rather run down. "I don't like this," a voice said from behind the wheel of the lead vehicle. The windows were up and one couldn't see inside as the passenger door flung open and a a set of small feet landed on the running board. A cane helped the man of short stature get out of the truck and onto the ground proper. "Well I don't rightly care. Management told us to come here and we always do what Management orders," he said before shutting the door with the tip of his cane and walking slowly towards the gate. "Hello? Hey, anyone in there?" he called out. The folks at the mill probably won't hear the man yelling out but they could hear the trucks. More than that though, the Emendators on the property are going to feel a pull. A pull they knew. One that brings them together but this is from a new source sitting outside of the gate. It is different than before but still has hints of being familiar. Like when someone follows a recipe from your childhood. It ain't the same as mom used to make but you can tell it is pretty damn close.