[b][u]11:10 PM The Domed City of Atlantis[/u][/b] He missed this. It was a [i]minor spat[/i] with Mal after he, Karen, and Bjorn went through Malcolm's things, but one that made things clear on what Mal wanted Virgil to know. Unfortunately, Mal should have known better. Virgil was on a trail, and this sort of behavior from both Mal and Karen was enough to let him know that something indeed was going on. And of course, a new venue meant a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/17/63/17/1763179e44aab263d4cedd3621831dd5.jpg]new suit[/url]. He still worse the large, sleeveless cloak from his other costume, but this one was geared a little more towards crime fighting. Wrist bracers, padded gloves, leg padding hidden underneath his pants. It was a step up from his literal costume, but he might still go back to that if this one didn't work out. [color=82ca9d]"Look, Static, I don't know what you expect me to do."[/color] He could hear Richie's voice on the other end of his headset. [color=82ca9d]"You're in the middle of the ocean and twenty thousand leagues under the sea, and my parents are starting to get weird about me dropping off every night to hero it up."[/color] It was a bit of an issue, Virgil was going to admit, but just hearing his friend's voice brought Virgil a little peace. Living in a domed city made it a little difficult to fly around. He needed to be careful of who saw him. Virgil wasn't quite familiar with the vigilante laws down here in Atlantis, but he was almost sure they were the same like back at home. If he played it wrong, this could result in him losing his spot at the school. [color=a187be]"There's something going on. You remember ol Watchdog, right? When that Kasamir kid got kidnapped by Shade? He's down here, so something has to be up."[/color]