[color=a187be][center][h1]Gammaton[/h1][/center][/color][hr] [@Rune_Alchemist] Gammton clicked his mandibles as he saw that Iva'Krorh still had a desire to keep the child, pity. As he followed The Illuminator, Gammoton stressed, [color=a187be]"I must impress upon you that the General Assembly is of the utmost importance, and involves what I perceive as a threat to our very existence. No god who desires self-preservation should be absent from it. I wish to bring about the Assembly as soon as possible for fear that any gods do anything that we may all later come to regret. To that end, I would like to employ you to speak with our brother, Lord Sveiand, for his ability to travel the world in aurora form will help us spread the word to as many gods as possible. I will try to speak with our sister, Lady Oao, and our brothers, Lords Drakairos. Lady Oao because she is indispensable to my plans and she may be able to recruit our brother, Lord Sommler, whom I have been unable to locate, and Lords Drakairos primarily for their ability to fly. As for the surveillance flies, if you have proper breeding material, that is to say, corpses, we can begin the creation process forthwith."[/color] Gammaton wrung his many hands in nervous worry, hoping Iva'Krorh would accede to his requests. [color=a187be]"And I will gladly help you with whatever you require, so long as you agree to the Assembly, help me recruit others to come, and that it does not take too much time."[/color] Some rear limbs of Gammaton's began fidgeting at the end of his abdomen, pulling out silk and weaving it into a rectangular sheet. Plucking another spine from his back, Gammaton began writing up the work contract on the silk sheet, detailing the conditions he had just mentioned. [color=a187be]"Not to worry, this contract is just for my own records, and is in no way binding."[/color]