[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0EjtAmP.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJhYmFiYS5TWFpoSjB0eWFHOW8uMAAAAAAA/lovecrafts-diary.regular.png[/img] [color=silver]~~The Illuminator~~[/color][/center] [@Stern Algorithm] [i]Location: White Dawn[/i] [hr] [color=silver]"Corpses? You want my corpses? but then whoever would I invite to my tea parties?"[/color] Iva replied with a mildly displeased sounding whine. [color=silver]"I suppose I'll have to invite Anu."[/color] As they walked, Iva didn't seem to care too much for Gammaton's words. Or at least, he wasn't thinking too deeply about them. He certainly talked like there was some sort of world-ending threat going around, but Iva certainly didn't care too much for such a thing. Trying to get all the gods to cooperate would be like trying to get Hayim to attempt stabbing something. [color=silver]"Inside."[/color] Carefully reading over the terms of the contract. Nothing seemed off about it, and it likely wasn't in Gammaton's nature to lie or deceive. But for now, he had other business to attend too. "[color=silver]Hurry, hurry, the moon shall rise soon."[/color] By now they had reached the wall, and Iva led the insect god into the labyrinthine interior. Taking a few turns, he had arrived at the same entrance he used before. A direct connection with the Library. Opening the rift, Iva walked back into the comforting halls of the building, and assuming Gammaton followed the portal closed behind him. [color=silver]"Now that we're out of that dull cold forest, take a seat anywhere! But only in this room."[/color] The room Iva had led Gammaton too was a long hallway. A large dining table, at least with enough seats for a dozen people were out. Several dishes seemed to have already been prepared. At the end of the hallway was a large grey throne made of some sort of stone. With each step, the mortal guise he had taken slipped off, melting into the air as he retook his natural form, and soon he was sitting upon the throne. [color=silver]"And don't be shy! The food is wonderfully divine."[/color] Zhavitri, the small ball of slime it was seemed to take interest in the happenings, rolling into the room to get a good look at the newcomer. [color=silver]"Now...as for what I want from you."[/color] The small creature slithered over to Iva, resting at his throne and seemingly trying to nuzzle his leg much like a feline would. The god gave it a brief pat on the head before continuing. [color=silver]"Laws. Rules. A week from today they should one of their own on a Pilgrimage to the wall. Laughably humorous! They've decided that to get my attention they instead should sacrifice one of their own! How wastefully destructive. I should take the entire village and use it as an experiment."[/color] Pausing, Iva stood up, unable to remain sitting for long as he walked over to a large object covered with a white sheet. [color=silver]"But...little La-Zha has changed my mind, hee!"[/color] He pulled of the sheet, revealing a painting beneath. It was immaculately done, and seemed to be of a human girl of some sort. A blue and gold dress, embellished brightly. The top part of it had yet to be completed, and for some reason it gave the impression of a meticulous effort. Surprising for the meticulous god. [color=silver]"I will reinforce my divine presence over these humans...and I would like laws to do it. Centered around the pursuit of knowledge and education, without letting pride, greet, or lust for their own power quashing their creativity and drive for it."[/color] He picked up a few brushes and a tray full of brightly colored liquid and began applying a few light strokes to the canvas. [color=silver]"Left on their own, they will repeat this incident. I have no desire to redo a dull already complete experiment. So you will make me a set of laws to follow within seven days. Present it to me, and once I set these mortals straight, I will see to helping you in your little endeavor."[/color]