Saeril glanced back into the direction of where the birds came from, having to use her Elven senses to try and figure out where they may venture next. The last thing they needed was for the Crebain to turn around, and find them on the Mountain. She could only hope that they were, at least, kept unnoticed from the Dark Lord. As usual, she avoided the presence of Kili and Yavanna, as if they were just strangers to her, even though, deep down, she cared for them greatly, and continued to look out for the presence of anything that may wish them harm. However, she knew they weren't going to thank her, perhaps up to the point where they don't even care; they have already tossed her out into the rain. Did she deserve it? Still. The conditions of the Caradhas was risky. Frigid wind was blowing within their faces, and the mortals were stuck tramping into the deep snow, as the Elves were able to withstand such conditions a lot more easily. Legolas temporarily let go of Yavanna, and took a few steps ahead, although remained of within a close distance. "I hear something faint within the air", he said. "It's Saruman!", Gandalf yelled, just as a piece of rock fell from the structure, nearly falling upon them yet only narrowly missing the cliff they were all standing upon. Out of instinct, Saeril opened her wing-cloak, and used her wings to shield the group from the falling rocks, similar to how she had done it to protect the company of Thorin Oakenshield from the Storm Giants.