[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8926851b8ec458a49aa78b5ed202dcff/tumblr_pczx4qmC3p1w6599so3_640.png[/img][/center] Su had hoped to simply get outside and dispatch the skeletons before every magical girl on this side of Penrose entered the fray. But it seemed that the "terrible one" wasn't done with them yet. There was nothing stopping Penny from showing up again if she had determined Boteg lived here. She could even be working in leauge with this Victoria girl. The Ice girl's wild ramblings could certainly be that of a horror, which she suspected Boteg's enemy was. Leaving her alone was not an option at this point. Su had been storing energy during Victoria's monologue. She had to be cautious. This wasn't like in Justine's lair where no one was watching her. If she moved too suddenly, Victoria would surely pick up on the aura of power she was amassing. If she had some sort of ability to detect the presence of magic, it would not be wise to store magic so rapidly for an attack. Boteg had taught Su how to perform her spells discreetly, just for situations like this. When the second girl showed up. Su furrowed her brow a bit. Penny could be with them, somewhere. That would mean they outnumbered them. Victoria had just turned around to enter the apartment. There was no time to dilly dally any longer. [color=PeachPuff]”Go after Victoria! I've got this one!”[/color] Su flew into the air and hovered level with the bunny girl leaning over the railing. If this one had to report to Victoria about the progress of the monster thawing, then it was fair to assume that the monster was somewhere in the building behind the metal-handed girl. Or at the very least, was some distance behind her. It didn't make Su happy that she was leaving all of the skeletons unattended, but she hoped to only be gone for a few seconds. One of the new powers that came with her form was knowledge from a Tibetan book of spells, formerly held by a monk. Su could get objects to perform various effects by writing a word on them, and then saying that word when she wanted to trigger the effect. For the spell she was about to use, Su took a flat stone out of her hammer space handbag and proceeded to write a word on the stone with her thumb. Su then flew towards the bunny girl and hurled the stone at her. Shortly after the stone left her hand, she shouted [color=PeachPuff]”Flash!”[/color] before averting her eyes and shielding her face with her arm. Her hope was that she could blind the girl and keep her distracted for a few seconds. While she was recovering, Su would then fly into an adjacent window and begin searching for the frozen monster. With any luck, they were talking about Penny. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YLqWprk.png[/img][/center] Binky was hiding behind a gargoyle. A few minutes ago She had arrived at a Gothic looking cathedral surrounded by witches. The witches did not bother her (yet), but their cats were all over the place. And some of them were a lot more powerful than they looked. It was a little too fitting that she was dressed as a virgin sacrifice. Binky didn't know why she came here, she only knew how she got here. Such was the fate of those who ran aimlessly when scared. High heels weren't even the best thing to be running in. It looked easy in all of those action video games she use to play, but in reality it was a lot harder. Fortunately there were some helpful youtube videos on the subject, but it still seemed to be a troublesome thing that Binky had yet to master. More disconcerting than running in high heels was the other magical girl present. She [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/310b4a0984990c0ae2fc65d0ef0ff4bc/tumblr_pgcvhcqfFy1w6599so1_540.png]looked like a detective[/url] and was walking around the cathedral. She held her magnifying glass over the ground and pacing in zig-zags towards her position. [b]”The criminal mastermind has to be around here somewhere! I have no doubt in this deduction!”[/b] Of course, Binky recognized the girl. She was one of the girls that offered to be part of project scarlet before the accident at the lab. [color=baddab]”Somebody.”[/color] Binky whispered to herself. [color=baddab]”Save me....”[/color] She curled herself into a ball and lightly sobbed, fully expecting her prayers to go unanswered. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NgWhiMr.png[/img] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 STR: 10 | AGI: 08 | VIT: 11 | MAG: 17 | LCK: 05 Earnings this post: Zilch Total: 2 Gold, 95 Silver, 96 Bronze [/hider][/center] [i][b]Weeks earlier...[/b][/i] The building where Binky worked was not easy to find. Most magical entities hide themselves with powerful magic, but the presence of that magic can be picked up by those who are atune to it, and so the best way to hide magical going ons is to keep the magical parts of your organization as far below ground as possible so that the mundane part on top serves as a good cover. It was a favorite tactic of Veronicas, and she used it well. If she made one mistake, it was that she knew about its location and had personally been there a few times. As useful as Mac's spool was, it could only show her the fate of those she wanted to look at. If Veronica hadn't recently met with Binky, she wouldn't have known she was working on red coins. These red coins were of great interest to Fate. [i]And[/i] Mac. But you can't just come out and ask someone for something they have, especially if they managed to keep it a secret for several decades. The most polite way Mack could ask for it was to just walk in and steal one. But that was also a big no-no, as Veronica would find out and then she would be an enemy of the mint. No, for this, she needed to call in a wing man. [b]"So according to my deductions..."[/b] The tiny detective started. [b]"If I sign up for project scarlet, I'll receive one of these dashedly coins, but then they will lock me up?"[/b] [color=cfff04]”Pretty much, yea.”[/color] Most illusion girls would have their goose cooked if they used a magic disguise in front of someone with third eye, but Mac was the exception to the rule. [color=cfff04]”I'd be grateful if you could get me one of the coins, however. I'm something of a magic minter, and could easily get more clues for you.”[/color] [b]"And with those clues, I could deduce a slew of things!"[/b] The tiny detective grinned. [b]"I'm not exactly thrilled about being locked up for a time, but I can rely on you to call the authorities?"[/b] [color=cfff04]”Sure, but like I said, there's gunna be a guy in there that can help you. Nuncio. I know you'll hit it off.”[/color] [b]"Really? Is he cute?"[/b] [hr] The detective made good on her promise, and Mac now held a red coin. She supposed the least she could do was stick around and make sure Binky didn't end up getting killed.