[@Blueflame] [color=0087BD][center][h3]Rost[/h3][/center][/color] [color=0087BD]"We'll be passing on the way to the director's office, so you can retrieve it. It is CRITICAL that you keep it on your person at all times."[/color] Rost reprimanded the young demon gently, ignoring his shadow's faint voice. [color=0087BD]"Before you go on any missions, I'd like to take you aside for a few minutes to make some adjustments to the seal using what data it has acquired thus far. That's enough chatter for now though, the director awaits; and he is not the most patient man in the world."[/color] As soon as they had retrieved the logbook, Rost would take Mason straight to the office for the meeting without delay. [color=a0410d][center][h3]Argus[/h3][/center][/color] Not needing to eat, shower, or perform any of the other morning rituals common to the more static races; Argus was first to arrive at the director's office, sipping from what seemed to be a juice box but absolutely reeked of undiluted ethanol.[color=a0410d]"Morning chief, sleep well?[/color] the djinn asked casually as he waited for the other agents.