[@vancexentan] [color=fff200][u][i][center][h1]VERDREHTE[/h1][/center][/i][/u][/color] Verd felt the hot blood and the bullet going though his shoulder, "Fuck" He cursed loudly and along with being shot he had his gun smacked out of his hand. His leverage against the police and the children so he would have to think of something quick, Looking over at the girl with electricity powers and thinking of a way to protect himself. Looking for some rubber gloves or something but it looked like their was none around, However he did notice a rubber yoga mat of some kind deciding to pick it up along with a machine gun form a fallen thug. Using the mat as a shield and running towards the girl while firing at her legs or feet in the meantime. The blood form the gunshot flowing down onto his costume and his torso, Making sure he was not side lined by any cops and if he could get close to her he could break her arms or something to that effect. Their was snot and tears running down his face, Luckily his mask was covering it up, And he was in alot of pain he would to find Aya ASAP as he needed some medical attention.