[quote=@Heroic] I never heard any ill words about the relationship, but I'd be glad to hear it under these conditions. [/quote] Mierno:....shinji was there when Waternaux City fell. He aided in efforts to keep the city from destruction. I dont have all the info, but it was worded that a terrorist group using IA weaponry were to blame for the attack. As far as the public knows, it was something out of our control and that the IA were investigating it. Something to that effect, at least. Youd have to ask him directly for deeper details. Or maybe Techi, here. She might have been a part of that rescue effort. Maybe? I don't remember completely. That was before I met them. I heard it was a pretty big event, though. Thus, creating distrust between him and members of the IA. It doesnt sound like the IA would just givd their weaponry to just anyone.