Interactions: [@Lonewolf685] [center][h2][color=gold][b]Bastion[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Soma stood there listening to Luna planting her hands firmly and as deep as they could possibly go into her pockets beginning to lean back a little. Her magic wasn’t active it was reactive so meaning that her strategy most of the time devolved into the waiting game to get attacked then reacting to the situation as she saw fit. And in a flash Luna jumped away to engage the ‘enemy’ as it were, leaving Yui in a fairly confused state the young girl wasn’t cut out for a fight like this mainly because she felt as magical girls they shouldn’t be fighting in the first place. Sighing shaking her head, she couldn’t help but smile, Luna was an incorrigible sort the very definition of a front-line soldier, a goal in mind a nail to hammer and didn’t care why. Speaking of the why, this entire place was strange why did magical girls gather here and why were the nightmares so plentiful in Miso city more than anywhere else is there a connection for that matter where did they come from in general? The temperature suddenly dropped jerking her mind back to reality [color=gold]“Oh, that’s right… I’m in a fight”[/color] Looking up Soma’s eyes tracked the whimsical fairy jump around spouting what sounded like insults, but it's not like they weren’t true, she was technically homeless and had little more than a middle school basic education in all subjects except history. The magical girl shrugged but stayed standing right where she was withdrawing her hands from her pockets and clapping them together once creating a small yet double layered shield completely around her to cover all angles. The second clap created dozens of small orbs in the sky where the icicles were falling nice and thin, so the first one would strike and pop it causing the explosion her shields were known for if they failed. The space they warmed blew up trying to refill the area the orb took up shattering several projectiles along the way starting a chain reaction that blew up one after another. By the time everything ended the only thing that landed on Soma’s primary shield was snow and small bits of hail. [color=gold]“And for my next trick, I’ll pretend to care”[/color] [color=gold] “Tell you what I do care about though other than this fight I suppose, why are there so many of you huddled around a campfire sharing a blanket”[/color] She questioned it coming out much harsher than she had intended [color=gold]“You traded the chains of protecting other all over the world for however long your friends arms stretch in an attempt to hold your hands”[/color] Soma looked up at Kanbaru, she couldn’t fathom it but her thoughts went back to her previous monolog [color=gold]“Why do you think the Nightmares gather around here the way they do, there are more in this town alone than in entire cities”[/color]