Narsi remained glum and grumpy, if quiet. She regarded Meesei with sideways glances only, especially when hints of Meesei's inebriation became apparent. When Meesei made her comment -- even if it was only meant as a jab against Lorag -- Narsi showed more of her teeth. She only took a second before she talked back. "With respect to your strength," she said, quirking her head to one side, "you can fuck off." [hr] Some of the words Zharan used were not common in the conversations Janius thought Julan engaged in. It left a hope that Julan did not even think to take his grandfather's criticisms personally. Still, Julan could know the words, and he could probably pick up on the sentiment. [i]"I can see your opinion of me has not changed. I did not expect a change, though we still wished for you to meet our son."[/i] Janius stepped aside to allow Julan and Zharan to face one another. He tried to touch upon the obvious in a gentle manner. [i]"You...and Kaleeth's mother."[/i]