[@Hokum][@Zyngard] As Shard attempts a teleport and keeps shouting, Mili slowly becomes a bit more aware of what's going on - and notices the large herd of beasts approaching. Still scared from what happened, Mili decides to do the most reasonable thing she, a young scared girl, can think of in a situation like this, and screams, loudly. As she does so, Pirila becomes aware that Mili is awake again (obviously) but is quickly nearly deafened by her scream. After all, Mili can be quite very loud. Too bad her hands were full with Mili right now, otherwise she could maybe have attempted to do something. But for now, all she could do was hope Cuna's gun, Mili's scream, and whatever else Shard could come up with would be enough to keep them all safe. [hr][@Hokum] (As Cas and a bunch of bandits) Hida is about to respond to Cas when the sound of approaching horsemen interrupt her. Arriving in the clearing where a bunch of bandits - ten of them to be precise. Each of them as well-mannered and as intelligent as they sounded. As one climbed off their horse - likely the leader of the group of ruffians - they began making comments that... didn't really amuse Hida, to say the least. "Be careful with that sword you have there," Hida began, with a frown on her face. "You might hurt yourself with it since you don't look like you're smart enough to know how to handle it." "But yes, the gods seem to have favoured you today. You managed to get this far without falling off of your horse, which, judging by your face, is a common occurrence." Needless to say, Hida does not follow the Bandits' request. In fact, she remains where she is, frowning with her arms crossed. After all, they'd need to get closer if they wanted to do anything.