[color=fff79a][b]Ral[/b][/color] [i]A dragon of Ragnagedon?[/i] Ral was at a desert right outside his own domain. [i]Short-tempered like its creator[/i], the sand around him turned into fresh shimmering glass, as the dragonfire singled a part of his cloak. He pondered on what to do with that Verzakian Dragon. It wasn't a good idea to get into any gods' bad side, not especially a god like Ragnagedon, but anyhow, he would just mold some wisdom into that dragon. It was better for a creation of Ragnagedon to be a little more... talkative...? A flash of light surrounded the Verzakian dragon, the skin of the dragon turned into scales of white crystal. The sky seemed to flicker between images of the White Dragon and the cloudless sky, as Ral finds himself under a wave of invisible dragonfire. He let out a long line of curses, as he vanished again. [i]Another damned failure...[/i][hr] Somewhere not far from the spire, the air shimmered for a moment, before the God of Treasures emerged in scorched clothings. [i]Where in the hell am I...?[/i] For a moment he was glad that he didn't send himself into another god's domain, but the spire that stretched far away from the horizons was as omnious as it looked. The strange flocks of birds are getting to him, not to mention the lingering sense of fear even at this distance. Ral sat cross-legged against the snowy cliffs, observing the massive structure from afar. The experience with the spawn of an ill-tempered god was enough for his day, he wouldn't want to be so careless anymore. Now that a dragon that he've strengthened will be running wild in this world, but that would be a concern he would have to put aside for later.