The world of Crestwood shows Hyperhuamns as being possibly one of the most oppressed races in history, they're unable to hold positions of authority nor able to use their gifts without fear of punishment. How does this affect your character and their relationship with society both as a whole and within the confines of a highschool social heirarchy? How has discovering that they are a Hyperhuman changed their worldview? Within the first week Jocelyn would realize that she couldn't go back home. Country people aren't dumb. They can put two and two together and come up with four. The weather in turn would be foggy and wet. Eventually Jocelyn would be upset enough that there would be some thunder and as soon as she realized that she could be punished for her emotions since her outbursts cause weather issues she'd try her best to leash her emotions. Tai Chi morning and night. The meditative movements would help calm and focus her. Jocelyn is not one to think on obtaining positions of authority but this would make her think. Quickly she'd realize that if that is the case then she no longer has a voice. Control of her life has been taken away. This frightens her as well as angers her. She wonders if they will be listed like sex offenders are or if they'd be gathered up and executed soon. This sours her view on Non-hypers, as she likes to think of them, and makes her act differently toward them. She becomes closed off and brittle around Non-hyped. Cautious and quiet she keeps to herself around Non-hyped. At first Jocelyn is withdrawn and as she comes to realize that they are all the same a feeling of protectiveness surfaces. She realizes that they are the underdog. That they should be afforded the same rights of any human. But they'd also need protection. In between classes and when her attention is not otherwise engaged Jocelyn has taken to making a walk around the grounds or just keeping a wary eye out for people who don't belong. The change in Jocelyn is present in her withdrawn attitude of anyone that is Non-hyper. Likewise in her attitude of overprotective mother hen. Currently she does not see the world kindly. Injustice is in everything and this sets her on edge and she can potentially be dangerous. She will continue to watch her moods and try to compensate to even out the weather. At this point it doesn't take much to set her off.