[right] ________________________ LOCATION: Beach INTERACTIONS: N/A TIME OF DAY: Evening HEALTH: Minor cuts on hands, gash below eye going to his jaw. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/right] Drachen's eyes opened and looked up into the stars of the night sky. His mind began working, piecing things together as he woke up from the crash induced sleep. The experimental airplane had crashed, but how had it happened? He shoved that thought aside, it served no purpose since he knew absolutely nothing about planes except they went through the air. A better question was, where was he? Sitting up, a little slowly to avoid a headrush, he looked around. He was on a beach, but not the shores of Hawaii if what he read was true about the place. The waves crashing up against him brought a stinging sensation from his face and hands. Looking down he took note of the small cuts, not unfamiliar to him. Touching his face he traced the long wound that marred his face. It would probably need stitches, not that he'd get those on a beach. Shifting so he was kneeling he scrubbed his hands in the salt water before going about and scrubbing his face. His teeth clenched as he drowned the pain under his willpower until he was sure he had cleaned it thoroughly. Temporarily anyway, open wounds tended to fester if not taken care of correctly. Pushing himself to his feet he made sure the rest of him was okay. His clothing was a little scuffed up but otherwise he was okay. The leather creaked from all the movements though, the water making it conform to him a little. He looked out at the inky black water and wracked his brain, trying to think of what could have woken him up aside from the warm ocean water. Noises, specifically voices yelling. A more thorough look around brought the sight of fire. There were some shapes around it, survivors? Or potentially natives? Not all islands tended to be inhabited. He'd just have to assume they were other survivors. So he started to lumber over towards the fire. His leather clothing and furred jacket creaking with each dull thump of his foot meeting sand.