[center][b][h2][color=gold]Collab: Dr. Kaylee Everose & Aya Lynn Germain[/color] [/h2][/b][/center][hr] [center][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B7UrwLUraI4/WAIxdvWATKI/AAAAAAABKTk/_PRgTnowzq4WF3ochP0ndtXsHuqtYa6QACLcB/s1600/Felicity_Jones_foto_friki.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/r0kQiuz.png?1[/img][/center][hr] Kaylee’s eyes roamed her office as she held the phone up to her ear. She hadn’t talked to her mother in weeks and knew that there would be a lot of her listening in the conversation. That’s how her mother was; talkative, intent on sharing every inconsequential detail to every story she told. Kaylee was used to it by now, but as much as she loved her elderly mother it made phone calls a chore. She let out the occasional uh-huhs and forced chuckles as she listened to the story about mishaps at the local grocery store. She remembered hearing this same story before. Her mother’s mind hadn’t been what it used to be for awhile now, but there was definitely a progression in the wrong direction. It saddened Kaylee to think of her intelligent mother losing some of her faculties, but it was part of life. Just as her mother got to the midpoint of the story there was a knock at her office door. [color=PaleVioletRed]”Mother...I hate to interrupt but I have a visitor at my office. I’ll have to call you back.”[/color] She watched as the student entered, recognizing her as Aya. [color=PaleVioletRed]“I love you too Mom. Talk to you soon.”[/color] Kaylee heard the students request to chat, and smiled at her as she placed the phone down on the desk. [color=PaleVioletRed]”Absolutely Ms. Germain...come on in and make yourself at home.[/color] Ala blinked, surprised the teacher knew her name. Slipping through the door, she closed it behind her, pulling her suitcase along. [color=aquamarine]”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you,”[/color] she said. [color=aquamarine]”I just came to say…”[/color] what? That she was bailing the school without even giving it a chance? After they’d been so accommodating? Aya closed her mouth and swallowed. [color=aquamarine]”I’ve decided to not attend Ashford this year,”[/color] she forced out in a rush. Aya’s grip on her suitcase handle tightened, the nerves tensing her up. Kaylee’s smile transitioned into a look of shock as the girl’s words left her mouth. She wanted to leave already? Kaylee understood that things could be overwhelming but desperately believed that all of them were better off here than trying to walk through life alone. [color=PaleVioletRed]”Oh no...I’m sorry to hear that you’ve come to such a decision. Let’s talk about this for a bit before deciding anything.[/color] Her smile returned along with a beckoning gesture. [color=PaleVioletRed]”How about you come in and sit with me and we can chat. I would never stop you from leaving, but if we can work this out it’s worth the time.[/color] Guilt at the professor’s concern was already coursing through Aya. She hesitated before stepping forward, leaving her bag where it was by the door. Perching on the edge of the chair, she said, [color=aquamarine]”I just… think maybe coming here was a mistake -- for me, I mean. And I haven’t been to any classes yet, so it’s not like leaving would really have any impact.”[/color] Her voice grew softer and softer as she spoke, her explanations feeling inadequate. [color=aquamarine]”I’m sorry,”[/color] she tried again, [color=aquamarine]”I’m grateful to the school, I just…”[/color] [color=PaleVioletRed]”Too overwhelmed?”[/color] Kaylee looked the young lady in the eyes, still wearing her gentle smile. [color=PaleVioletRed] “I get it. Trust me. This whole process can be intense. Growing up in this world is hard enough without the extra layer of being a mutant on top of it.”[/color] She placed a friendly hand on Aya’s arm in hopes to comfort her. [color=PaleVioletRed] “You’re technically right. You could walk away from here without much impact on your education. However, the education that you could receive here goes far beyond what is available to the rest of the world. I don’t want you to feel any added pressure here. No one is expecting you to dedicate yourself to a life of fighting crime. You aren’t required under oath to become a member of the X-Men. You are here to learn, to grow as a person, to be among people that understand the struggle that our kind faces every day. Of course things here are different, but at least we can be ourselves. At least we can be safe.”[/color] Aya looked down, shrinking away from her words. [i]X-Men. Our kind.[/i] Her kind. Tight coils wrapped around her throat, constricting. All the pain her mutation had already caused… Aya just wanted to be [i]human[/i] again. [color=aquamarine]”I never wanted this,”[/color] she whispered, more to herself than to the professor. [color=PaleVioletRed] “I understand. None of us asked for the cards we were dealt. However, if we keep running from them they will only keep catching up with us.” [/color] She let the right words come to her before continuing. [color=PaleVioletRed] “I know that sometimes things would be easier if we were all just normal like the rest of the world. However, that’s not the case. Our gifts make us different, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If I remember correctly from your files you can do some form of Astral Projection….is that right?” [/color] She smiled at her again. [color=PaleVioletRed] “That means we have something in common because a part of my mutation allows me to do the same.” [/color] Aya glanced up at her. Some part of her clung to this new connection, this shared experience that made her feel a little less alone. [color=aquamarine]”How do you… control it?”[/color] Her eagerness was tamped down by her nerves. [i]How do you turn it off[/i] was what she wanted to ask, but she didn’t think that would be well-received. Kaylee understood the weight of Aya’s question. She remembered saying those words herself once. She lived it. [color=PaleVioletRed] “I wish I had an instant answer for you, but I don’t. It took time. It took practice. However, I didn’t have a place like this to help me control it when I was asking that same question. I was alone. You don’t have to be alone. I can help you.” [/color] Aya was quiet for a long moment, the professor’s words washing over her. She didn’t want to be here. She didn’t want to be in this situation… but if she didn’t have a choice, if she was stuck with this ability no matter what, then… well, she’d chosen to come to the Ashford Institute for a reason. Without looking up, Aya nodded, a quiet acceptance of Professor Everose’s offer. Ms. Everose leaned back with a bit of relief seeing Aya’s nod. She could see a lot of herself in the young woman. She remembered the days of such doubt and confusion. Holding a gentle smile Kaylee stands and walks over to her desk. She searched through her desk quickly and returned with something in her hand. [color=PaleVioletRed] “When Charles Xavier first found me I was a mess. I could [i]feel[/i] the presence of other mutants for miles and miles. I was projecting in my sleep not knowing how to come back or what anything I was seeing meant. He took my hands and he gave me this.” [/color] Unfolding her fingers she revealed an old, weathered, wooden butterfly. It was painted beautifully but had faded over time. [color=PaleVioletRed] “It helped me remember that I wasn’t alone. That there was someone out there that cared for me. I know it may seem a bit cheesy, but I would like you to have it. If you ever feel overwhelmed or afraid I hope it reminds you that I’m here to help you.”[/color] Aya took the butterfly in her hand and looked down at it. Her fingers passed over the smooth wood, worn from being handled over the years. Coils tightened around her throat again. Aya tried to swallow around it. She looked back up at the professor, hand curling around the butterfly. Silence hung in the room as she tried to find a voice for her chaotic thoughts. [color=aquamarine]”I…”[/color] Aya closed her mouth and tried again. [color=aquamarine]”Could you help me? Between classes, or something? When you have time?”[/color] Her heart thundered in her ears, nervous anticipation building. She wanted [i]help[/i]. She didn’t want to struggle through this alone, and the realization struck her with a force that was almost physical. Kaylee’s eyes widened as she listened to the desperation in Aya’s words. Again she found them all too familiar. Her smile fell into a caring, but serious expression. [color=PaleVioletRed] “Absolutely. We can find times to work together. Even if you just need someone to talk to I’m here.” [/color] Aya gave a small nod, looking back down at the butterfly. She was quiet for a long moment. She knew it was time to leave, to get on with her day and let the professor get on with her’s. But that would mean leaving this small bubble of safety and moving forward. It meant going to school, being a [i]mutant[/i]... Aya took in a deep, slow breath, her fingers tightening around the butterfly. She forced herself to stand from the chair. [color=aquamarine]”I’ll let you get back to your day. Thank you, Professor.”[/color] Ms. Everose watched with a smile as Aya looked down at the small butterfly. She nodded at her words and stood up from the chair with her. Her hope was that she provided some comfort to her students, but to be able to truly relate to one and help guide them a power that she understood was something she hadn’t expected, and that made her feel so grateful to be in this position. [color=PaleVioletRed] “Anytime Aya...don’t hesitate to stop by.” [/color] She stepped forward and offered a friendly hug. [color=PaleVioletRed] “Oh, and before you leave I actually have something I needed to inform you about. Your room assignment has changed a bit and I need to give you the new documentation.”[/color] She stepped over towards her desk and grabbed a piece of paper before returning and placing it in Aya’s hand. [color=PaleVioletRed] “You’ll be rooming with a young woman named Uná, she’s a sweetheart and I think the two of you will get along wonderfully. Other than that I hope you can get some rest and we’ll talk soon.” [/color] Aya returned the hug, first out of politeness. But the feeling of another person’s arms around her… something cracked. Aya closed her eyes, her own arms squeezing a bit tighter. But then she forced herself to pull back. Aya took the offered piece of paper and looked down at it, reading the new room number. She nodded before looking back up at Professor Everose. [color=aquamarine]”Thank you again.”[/color] Hand clutched tight around the wooden butterfly, Aya turned, grabbed her suitcase, and left the room.